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Andre pulled away and stepped back, his jaw clenching. “Don’t. Not like this.”

“You know why I started drinking tonight, Dre?” Jace said, deciding to lay it all on the line. Now or never. He had nothing fucking else to lose tonight. “Because you were moving and I didn’t have the balls to tell you I wanted you to stay. That it confuses the ever-loving shit out of me, but somewhere along the way things have shifted between us.” He stepped closer. “I can’t imagine my life without Evan. But when I saw you packing your bags, I realized even if I had her, something would be missing. You would be missing. I need you both.”

Andre closed his eyes and took a breath, as if shoring up his defenses. And for a moment, Jace feared Andre was going to walk out anyway. Just like Evan. But Andre’s shoulders relaxed. “I swear on everything that is holy in this world, if you wake up tomorrow morning and blame all of this on being wasted, I will fucking beat you with my billy club.”Author: Roni Loren

Jace grinned. Tomorrow he would deal with the shit that had descended over his life. Deal with the crushing news he’d discovered. But tonight . . . Tonight he needed to lose himself in something good. “You know, it’s a rare day when I can say I’ve never done this before.”

Andre’s gaze skated down the length of Jace, making Jace acutely aware of exactly how much things had changed between them. The look was assessing, appreciative, ravenous. How long had Andre been hiding such blatant desire?

All the blood in Jace’s body charged southward. Clearly, his cock didn’t care that the person standing before him was male instead of female.

Andre moved closer. “How ’bout tonight I just show you how good of a switch I am?”

Jace lifted a brow.

“I won’t let you rush into this. Things are crazy in your life right now. When you fuck me for the first time, I want you to be damn sure you’re ready for that, and that it’s not because you’re looking for some escape.”


“That’s my limit for tonight,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I want you. Fuck, do I want you. But that’s not on the table yet.”

Jace nodded, knowing Andre was right. It wasn’t fair to cross that big of a boundary when his brain had been blended tonight. “So what do you propose we do, sub?”

Andre’s eyes flared with heat and anticipation at the term. “Let me make you feel good.”

Blood pounded through Jace’s veins, pulsing at his temples and moving lower. They were really going to take this leap. No going back. Jace wet his lips, letting his dominant instincts fill the spaces nerves were trying to edge into. He may have never done this before, but he knew how to be in charge. “Are you going to make me take off these jeans myself?”

Andre glanced down the stretch of Jace’s torso to the open button at his waistband, then back up to his face. “You really want this?”

“Questioning me already, sub?” Jace hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “Find out if I want this.”

Andre, never one to back away from a challenge, moved closer and slipped his fingers in Jace’s waistband, finding the zipper and pulling it down. His hand closed around Jace’s already hard cock, the thin cotton of his boxers the only barrier.

Jace’s body tightened beneath the firm grip. Andre had touched him this way before, but somehow the change in dynamic, the intensity vibrating between them, made it feel like it was the first time. He’d always kept Andre at a distance even in the bedroom. Part of that had been because he’d wanted to keep their friendship boundaries in place, but the other part was that he’d always thought Andre to be one hundred percent dominant. Being in the submissive role was never a comfortable place for Jace so starting up something with another dom would’ve been an exercise in frustration.

Andre stroked Jace’s length, and Jace laid a hand on his shoulder to steady himself. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a switch?”

“Because it was easier with you thinking I was only a dominant. I didn’t want there to be any weirdness.”

“Take off your shirt,” Jace ordered.

Andre complied without hesitation, tossing his shirt to the floor. Jace gave him a long hard look and flicked his nipple ring—hard—eliciting a sharp hiss from him. “I should’ve fucking suspected. You’ve got masochist written all over you.”

Andre’s smile was wry, but his pupils had dilated from the spark of pain. “Got a problem with that?”

“No. Kind of makes me want to tie you up and see if you can take it as well as you give it.” The words tumbled out before Jace had a chance to consider them. And the surprise on Andre’s face mirrored the astonishment Jace felt at his own statement. But as he looked at Andre—the quickened breath, the smooth hard muscle, the erection pushing at the fly of his jeans—Jace realized the thought of dominating and fucking Andre no longer felt bizarre at all. It felt . . . enticing and edgy in the best possible way. And he felt honest disappointment that he couldn’t indulge in all of that completely tonight.

He pinned Andre with a stare. “On your knees.”

Andre went to the floor immediately and in perfect form—not one leg at a time but instead he rocked down straight from a stand to a kneel. Someone had trained him well. Jace grabbed Andre’s hair, tilting his face toward him. “It’s not safe for me to beat you tonight. I’m not drunk, but I’m not totally straight either.”

Andre burst out laughing. “You’re definitely right on that last part.”

Jace pushed his tongue into the side of his mouth, fighting not to join in the laughter. “Be careful, smartass, or I may change my mind.”

Andre pressed his lips together, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. “Sorry, I appreciate your concern for my welfare, s— Wait, what should I call you?”

Because sir was hers. They both knew it. Jace doubted either of them would ever be able to have another sub use that term again.

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic