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“Then what?”

“I can’t turn my back on him. Daniel was there for me.” She bit her bottom lip.

His hands slipped from hers, his tone cooling. “When I wasn’t? Is that it?”

That wasn’t it at all, but she saw the door open, the way to push him away and save both of them. “I need someone I can count on. A sure thing.”

Jace stood, his arms crossed and his expression hard. “Right.”

“We’ve had a good time, but I’m just part of a game for you and Andre. One of your dalliances.” She almost stopped when she saw him flinch like she’d slapped him, but she forced herself to keep on. “How many other girls at The Ranch have been between you two? How long do you give them before you get bored and move on to the next?”

“You know you’re more than that to me,” he said stiffly.

She smirked. “You’ve been with me a month, Jace. One. Month. You’re ready to give up threesomes, settle down, have a nice little suburban life?”

His cheeks tinged red. “I don’t fucking know, Evan. This is all new to me, too, all right? All I know is Andre and I both . . .”

Her heart squeezed, her breath catching. Andre and Jace both what? She couldn’t decide if she longed to hear the words or wanted to stick her fingers in her ears and hum.

He stalked toward her and planted a hand on each side of her on the bed, not touching her but close enough to make her lean back. His muscles bunched with tension beneath his T-shirt as if he were fighting the urge to grab and shake her. He lowered his face level with hers, meeting her eyes. “You know what? Never mind. You’re right. Why would you want what we have to offer? Instead you can have your nice little manufactured fairy tale. The successful husband who looks like he dotes on your every word, the money to buy you whatever you want, and the guarantee that you’ll never get hurt. Because it’s . . . Not. Fucking. Real.”

The last three words lashed her like whip strokes. She struggled to catch a breath—his accusation, his hulking presence, God, his heat, all sending her brain into control-alt-delete mode. Her body, despite her mind’s protests, responded to his nearness, her nipples becoming tight points beneath her thin T-shirt. “Jace.”

His name came out as a plea, but she wasn’t sure if she was pleading for him to go or to stay.

His gaze flicked downward, heated. “Take off your jeans.”

Her focus snapped back like a rubber band. “What? No, we can’t—”

He pushed off the bed, straightening to his full six feet. “I’m not going to ask again, sub. You promised me another month. If you’re going to break your agreement, then you at least owe me tonight.”

Her tongue turned to sandpaper—the dominant tone, the beauty of him standing before her, the love she felt for him almost too much to bear. She closed her eyes, fighting the pulse of desire beating low in her belly. “Jace, please.”

He gripped her arm and hauled her to her feet, causing her to gasp in shock. His fingers found the button of her jeans, unfastened them, then yanked her pants down her legs. His rough handling should’ve scared her, should’ve made her want to run. This couldn’t happen. But she couldn’t will herself to move. Could only watch him. Wanting him.

He rose and grasped her chin in his hand. “If you’re going to say it, say it now, sub.”

The safe word. She knew what he was asking. But the word wouldn’t form on her lips.

He released her. “On your knees.”

Her leg muscles seemed to collapse without her conscious will, making her land hard on the carpet.

He sat on the bed and spread his legs wide. She thought he was going to have her go down on him, but instead he dragged her over his lap, belly down. She automatically reached out to steady herself on the floor, but he was quicker. He grasped her wrists and put them at her sides, then banded his arm over her waist, pinning her limbs down in the process.

“You will not move,” he commanded, his voice low and dangerous. His free hand jerked her panties down her thighs and then cupped her heat. She knew what he’d find. He moved his hand away and rubbed his slick fingers along her thigh as if to say, Your mouth may lie, but your body answers to me.

“Jace, don’t do this,” she pleaded, knowing that if he started, she wouldn’t be able to stop him, that her undeniable response to him would take over her better sense.

His palm came down hard on her ass, sending stinging pain radiating over her skin. She jerked, but his hold on her didn’t allow much movement.

“You’re breaking an agreement with your dom. There’s a price for that.” He swatted the other cheek, not sparing her any of his strength. She yelped but he didn’t pause. “And I think you need a good solid reminder of what it means to feel something.”

He smacked the back of her thigh. “What it means to be vulnerable.”

The blows continued, the pain coalescing with the rush of endorphins, making her dizzy and breathless and so desperate for him she had to fight not to beg.

“What it means to not just love somebody but to ache for them.” Swat! “To crave them.” Swat! “To think about them when they’re not around.”

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic