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Dueling moans mixed with the rustle of sheets as he buried himself deep inside her. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the delicious feel of his invasion, but his voice snapped her back to attention. “Don’t. Look at me. I want to see all of you.”

Her heart pounded as she lifted her lashes and looked at him. She’d thought she couldn’t get any more naked, but this—staring into his brown depths as he rocked into her—was as exposed as she’d ever felt.

He grabbed her hand, lifted it to his mouth, and laid a kiss atop it, all the while not breaking his rhythm. She shivered beneath the simple brush of his lips. “Now you can touch yourself, bella.” He lowered her palm to where he wanted it. “Let me feel you come around me.”

She kept her focus on him, but slid her finger along her clit, the little bundle of nerves slick and swollen and desperate for relief. The instant she applied pressure, her sex clenched around Andre and the pleasurable jolt registered on his face.

Oh, my. She’d never watched a lover so intently. Seeing every nuance of sensation cross his features. Beautiful and sexy and beyond intimate.

She swirled her finger as he continued to move inside her, his pace increasing to match hers. Sharp zings of sensation wicked through her nervous system, making every inch of her skin, her soul, feel alive. She wouldn’t last much longer, not after all this and not with his eyes fucking her as completely as his body was. But part of her wanted to hang on just a bit longer. Savor this. No. Savor him.

She reached up with her free hand and ran her hand along his stubble, his skin hot beneath her touch. “You’re pretty damn perfect, too.”

The lines around his eyes creased, almost as if the words were too much to hear, and he leaned down to claim her mouth. Her lips parted for him, accepting everything behind his kiss—the desire, the pain, the loss both of them knew was looming. All of it consumed them and the rhythm of his hips increased as they both began to unravel. Her neck arched, pulling her out of the kiss, and a plea escaped. “Andre.”

“Let go, bella. Let everything go. For me.”

Her body responded to his command like a well-trained soldier, all the combined sensations crashing down over her in a maddening rush. “Oh, God.”

She cried out as the orgasm overtook her, and Andre chased her climax with his own, the two of them riding the high together. She found his mouth again, inhaled his own groan with the kiss, and held on while her body continued to contract around him. The heat of his release was like sweet fire inside her.

The camera continued its methodical flashing as they both eased down from their high. After a few minutes of lying there with only their labored breathing as a soundtrack, Andre pressed his lips to the curve of her neck, the sweat on his brow mixing with the sheen on her skin.

“Not bad for our first time,” Andre whispered.

She ran her hand along the damp hair at the nape of his neck. “Our first time?”

He lifted his head to look at her. “You’ve never been with only me. I’ve always just been the third for you.”

When she’d first gotten involved with Andre and Jace, she’d thought Andre would simply be an extra bonus—a gorgeous buffer to help her keep perspective about Jace. But over the last few weeks, she’d realized her heart hadn’t made that distinction. Her heart wanted them both. Loved them both.

She pressed her forehead to his. “Andre, you’ve never ‘just’ been anything to me.”

He smiled, but the distinct sound of footsteps had them both freezing.

“What the—” Andre said, rolling off her, instantly on full alert.

But before Andre could say anything else, a man stepped into the studio.


“What the fuck is going on?”

Evan hauled the sheet up to cover herself and Andre, her heart ready to burst through her ribs. “Shit, Daniel. You scared the hell out of me.”

“Well, gosh, Evan, excuse me,” he spat out, the sarcasm at full tilt. “Didn’t mean to walk into the building I pay rent on and frighten you mid-screw.”

She gritted her teeth. “Calm down.”

Daniel scoffed as he looked from her to Andre, then back. “Calm down? Calm down? Who the fuck is this guy?”

Andre shifted, no doubt taking the condom off beneath the sheet. “Not really your concern, bro.”

“The hell it isn’t,” Daniel yelled, then looked at her expectantly. “Evan?”

The goddamned camera flashed again.

“What the . . .” Daniel glanced at the equipment set up, his face getting redder by the second. “Oh, un-freaking-believable! How could you be so stupid, Evan?”

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic