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He obviously had his seduction all planned, and though my blood practically boiled with the need for him, I wasn't in the mood to hurry tonight. Not when we had this big old room to ourselves, and all night to play.

"Did you know either Garrison Bovel or Armel Lambert?"

"Given your use of the past tense, I take it they've both been killed?"

His gaze moved from my face, drifting downward, until it rested on the swell of my breasts. My nipples hardened under his scrutiny, and it was all I could do not to undo the tiny buttons and allow him full viewing access.

"Yes, they have."

He took a sip of wine, then place the glass back down on the table and said, "I didn't know Bovel personally, but I did hear he'd been doing well with the importing business he'd set up. Armel was one of the older ones, so yes, I knew him."

His tone had my eyebrow rising. "I take it you didn't like him?"

"He was a player. He took risks. And all too often he included others in those risks-mostly to their detriment." He shrugged eloquently. "On another note, I always thought bright red lingerie wouldn't suit a redhead, but that bra looks lovely against your skin. I don't suppose there's panties to match?"

I took a sip of wine. The rich fruity taste rolled around my tongue and made me want to sigh in pleasure. "That's for me to know and you to find out later. We have wine and food to enjoy first."

His sigh was dramatic, but the effect was spoiled by the twinkle in his bright eyes. "And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?"

He raised a hand as he said it and trailed a finger across the top of my breasts, just above the bra's lace line. Though his touch was light, it seared my system with a heat that was pure and lusty. A tremor ran across my skin and the deep-down ache suddenly leapt into focus.>"Joe said the woman who contacted the teenager had a deep, almost manly voice. The woman in the warehouse didn't."

"Ever heard of voice modulators?"

"Of course I damn well have." Hell, I'd used the horrible things. "I still don't think they're the same woman."

"Why not? Because you don't want me investigating further?"

Well, yeah. "No. And it's nothing more than a hunch."

He studied me for a moment, and there was something in his look that made me uncomfortable. Like he was trying to get inside my mind and pick it apart. Only he wasn't actually doing that. I would have felt the intrusion. Eventually, he said, "Do you often get these hunches?"


"And do they often come true?"


He smiled again. "You're not very forthcoming with information, are you?"

"You're a bounty-hunting killer who has been warned off the case. Why is it surprising that I'm not forthcoming with information?"

"I wasn't talking about the case."

"And why would I want to provide personal information?" My voice was dry. "You and I have nothing in common."

"Other than the fact we're both paid to kill, you mean?"

I crossed my arms and resisted the urge to point out that I at least was a legal killer. Being on one side or the other wasn't really his point. "Other than that, yes."

"Well, we do seem to have this odd attraction flaring."

"Kye, the full moon is only days away and we're both werewolves. Lust is natural-but I, for one, am not going to act on it."

"I wouldn't bet on that."

Neither would I, actually. "Get in the car and leave, or I'll make you."

There was nothing pleasant or nice about his sudden smile. He considered me for a moment, then raised a hand, lightly brushing his fingertips down my cheek. It felt like I was being branded by fire and, deep inside, my wolf shivered. I wasn't entirely sure whether it was fear or anticipation.

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy