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He was like a magician the way he worked his tongue, each flick placing me under his spell. It never took long for him to make me beg. A few lazy licks to taunt me forced me to grab him by the ends of his hair. My man loved to tease me until I couldn’t take it anymore.

Almost as soon as my orgasm claimed my body, Angelo removed his fingers and replaced them with his thick cock.

“Damn, baby.” He licked his lips and raised my left leg over his shoulder, staring down to watch his cock slide out of me.

Angelo pulled out and slammed back into me, making it hurt more each time. My insides clenched and burned from the loss, instantly satisfied when he thrust into me again. It wasn’t long before I felt the slow pulsing of his cock, the sensation alone enough to make me come again.

He kissed my thigh and smirked. “Best lunch ever.”

I smiled so wide my jaw hurt. “You’re such a dirty boy.”

“My dirty girl,” he growled, sliding out of me.

After we put ourselves back together, Angelo sat in the chair across from my desk and pulled me into his lap. “How are you feeling?” He pushed a loose curl behind my ear and held me tight.

I smiled. “Better now that you’re here. That was amazing. I needed that more than I realized.”

“I meant how are you feeling about turning in your dad?”

I shrugged. “A small part of me feels guilty for what I’m about to do. But then I think of my mom and what her last moments must have been like, and I no longer feel a thing for my father. He killed her to settle a debt, to keep his fortune.”

“He won’t have a fortune much longer.”

“Nope. Who knows what I will have left once it’s over.”

“You’ll still have Faith and me. I can make more money.”

I grazed his cheek with my thumb, staring into his bright blue eyes. “As long as I have you and Faith, I don’t need money. We could live anywhere, be anyone, and I wouldn’t care as long as I had both of you in my life.”

He kissed me so hard my head spun. As our lips separated, I already missed his touch.

“I can’t wait to marry you, Gia.” He pressed his forehead against mine and sighed. “When all of this is over with your dad, no more excuses. We are picking a date and sticking to it.”

“Something has come up every time we’ve tried to plan. Getting kidnapped sort of derailed our plans.”

He shook his head, laughing. “Smart ass. I don’t care if we have to elope. Making you mine is on my list of things to do.”

I threaded my fingers through his short, wavy hair. “I already am yours, silly. We don’t need a piece of paper to make it official when it’s already a done deal.”

A few seconds passed where we stared into each other’s eyes before a knock at the door caused both of us to jump. “Let us in,” Sonny yelled from in the hallway.

I hopped up from Angelo’s lap and ran over to the door. My face lit up when I saw Faith in her stroller, her hands together as if she were trying to clap.

Angelo was behind me, reaching for his daughter. “There’s my little princess.” He spoke in his baby voice, which was beyond adorable. “Did you have fun with Uncle Sonny?”

She giggled at the sound of his voice.

When I was pregnant with Faith, she would kick me when Angelo would talk to her. He did it several times a day, with his hands on my hips and his mouth close to my stomach. We both had the worst fathers in the world, and yet we somehow managed to be good parents. It was a miracle we had survived this long.

I lifted Faith up and handed her to Angelo, who hugged our child as if he never wanted to let her go. He planted at least a dozen kisses on her forehead and cheeks. The same love he’d shown to me for years he gave to our daughter tenfold.

Even though I had lost my family, I gained one with Angelo. He’d given me everything I ever wanted and more.

Chapter Thirty


Eighteen Months Later

Tags: Jillian Quinn Sins of the Past Erotic