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He shook his head with a sinister grin on his handsome face. “What are you waiting for? Get on that hood and show me your pretty pussy.”

Our night together started with the pop of his gun and ended with a literal bang. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Nothing about our relationship was normal. We lived every day as if it was our last because we never knew when that day would come.

Chapter Nine


My dad pushed open the door to my office and cleared his throat. I spun around in my high-back leather chair and smiled.

“Too busy for your old man?”

I pushed the keyboard away from me and leaned my elbows on the oak desk. “No. I’m never too busy for you. Come in and sit with me.”

Why was he here? My father always called before he made an appearance. The pained expression on his face made me nervous. He looked as if he’d aged ten years in a matter of months, though he tried to hide whatever had furrowed his brow in concern.

With a thick head of black hair combed to the side, my father stood tall, the weight of the world balanced on his broad shoulders. Shrewd in business and in life, he had a fierceness about him that sent a chill down my spine when his dark eyes met mine. We looked so much alike, from our grayish blue eyes to our black, curly hair, and olive skin.

He shut the door behind him and strolled into the room, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

“How are things at City Hall?”

“Can’t complain. Everything’s going according to plan.”

“You think you’ll become mayor?”

He nodded. “I have a good shot.”

“Can I ask you something, Dad?”

“Sure, honey. Anything.”

“It has to do with the Morellis.”

He sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “There are some things I won’t be able to tell you.”

“I understand how this works, believe me, I do. Sometimes, Angelo tells me things. I have seen things firsthand. I know we’re not good people.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Why would you say something like that?”

“We’re not. Our company is overrun by mobsters. You were elected to City Council so you can be Angelo Sr.’s yes man. And I’m going to marry a Made man one day. You can’t honestly tell me anything about our lives is normal.”

“As far as the government knows, everything about this company is legitimate,” he confessed, though neither of us believed a word he’d said.

“Can you honestly sit here and tell me this company was not founded with racketeering money? You grew up with Angelo’s dad. You are best friends. That’s how everything started between Angelo and me.”

He shoved a hand through his dark hair and sighed, looking away from me. “My biggest regret is getting you involved in any of this. But long before everything got out of hand, you were already in love with Angelo. I didn’t want to see you get hurt. I had no idea what to do. If I told you to stay away from him, I would’ve looked like a hypocrite when I was still friends with his father.”

“Do you wish you had a different life? One that doesn’t involve the Morelli family.”

“Why are you asking so many questions about the Morellis?”

“I thought this was what you wanted, but you don’t seem happy. You look miserable.”

“Is anyone ever really happy?”

I shrugged. “I am. Angelo makes me happy.”

“This isn’t the life you wanted, Gianna. Don’t lie to me. I can see right through your act.”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Sins of the Past Erotic