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“That was a great show. Joss Wheedon is a genius. ”

“He really is. ”

We talk for a few more minutes, about silly, mundane stuff that makes us laugh. Eventually Ethan tells me to go back to sleep. I protest, but I know he’s right. Even I can hear the way I’m slurring words.

“Call me tomorrow?” I ask before I hang up.

“It’s your turn. You call me. ”

I smile, because every day he proves that we’re together in some new way. And that we really are equals. “I can do that. ”

“Good night, Chloe. ”

“Good night, Ethan. ”

* * *

On Thursday, another delivery comes, this one to the apartment. Tori answers the knock on the door and comes back with a bright pink bakery box.

“Big shock. It’s for you. ”

“It looks fattening. ”

“I know, right? What is it about men? They like us with perfect bodies, but when they court us, they’re always trying to fatten us up. ”

“Court? You think Ethan is courting me?”

She looks at me like I’m a moron. “Obviously. ”

“I thought we were in the wooing stage. You said before that he was wooing me. ”

“Yes, well, he’s obviously wooed you right into his bed. Now it’s becoming obvious that he wants to keep you there. Hence the courting. ”

“Courting. ” I repeat the word, try it out to see if I like the sound of it. I do. I really do.

“Oh, God. You’ve got that goofy look on your face again. ”

“It’s not goofy. ”

“It’s totally goofy. It’s so goofy I’m beginning to feel like you belong in a Disney cartoon. ”

I stick my tongue out at her, then reach for the box. There’s no note, nothing to tell me who it’s from. But I know it’s from him, even before I open the box and see the beautiful arrangement of six perfect strawberry Napoleons.

“Have I mentioned that I really like this guy?” Tori asks, reaching in and swiping her finger along the side of one of them to collect the excess cream.

“I do, too,” I say, running my finger along the belly chain I haven’t taken off since he fastened it around my waist. “I do, too. ”

Thanks for the Napoleons.

You’re welcome.

How’s your day been?

Ridiculous. Nothing’s moving fast enough.


Exactly how I feel. What have you been up to?

Tags: Tracy Wolff Ethan Frost Romance