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She blinks at me. “What?”

I sigh. Because even though I know better, even though I know that getting mixed up with this girl just puts me one step closer to soulmate territory, and stupid kids, and all that other shit our kind seems to have been genetically engineered to need, I can’t help it.

The only ride on this resort I’m interested in taking is Delphi.


“That’s it?” I ask. “‘Just go shopping, Delphi. Go take a shower. Relax. Let’s get dinner. Have a little date night.’ You think I’m actually gonna buy that crap?”

He narrows his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” I huff. “I know that you know.”

“I know what?”

“Uh-huh. Exactly.”

He does one of those long blinks. You know, when people are tired of you. When you’re wearing them down. But I don’t fall for it. I don’t fall for any of it. “I know that you know what I am. I heard all about Lyra spilling our secrets.”

“Ohhhhhhh,” he says.

“Ohhhh,” I say, mocking him.

“You mean the sex explosions?”

“What? No. And stop thinking about sex with me. Not gonna happen. I’m talking about the station explosion.”

“Nyleena didn’t explode Bull Station. And neither did we. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. But back to why you think I’m thinking about sex with you. Are you thinking about sex with me?”

“Look at this,” I say, panning my hand down my body. “Does this look like a princess ready to get it on? There is no glow, genius. That means there’s no feelings. And that means there’s no possible way I’m thinking about sex with you. You, on the other hand,” I say, pointing to his groin area, “are sporting a double-dicked hard-on.”

He looks down, then looks back up—smiling.

“So don’t play this off like I’m the one coming on to you. I’m not. Just… ewww.”


“Yeah. Ewwww. I know better, buddy. I know better than to get caught up in some ridiculous Akeelian-Cygnian love fest. No way. Not gonna happen. There are no breeder babies in my future.”

But huh. I suddenly have this little idea. He’s so horny. He’s so ready to find his one true princess. Maybe what I’m doing isn’t even bad? Maybe I’m actually doing him a favor?

“What?” he asks.

“What what?”

“You’re thinking something.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. Your eyes are lighting up again.”

Son of a sunfucker. Why do these damn eyes have to give me away every single time?

“So you’ve got your glowing eyes on someone else, is that it? Because I’m pretty sure I’m better than whoever that guy is.”

I actually guffaw.

He shrugs. “I’m just saying. I didn’t name my ship the Big Dicker for nothing. I’m what you call… hung.”

“I think I just threw up in my mouth.”

“You’re so cute,” he says, shooting me with his finger.

“No,” I say. “No, I’m not.”

“So we’re good?”

“What? No! We’re not good.”

“You go shopping, take a shower, feel normal again and I’ll order up some grade-A autocooked Mighty Dinner.”

Is he like… infatuated with me? I don’t understand this. I’m saying ewww and he’s just not getting it. “Let me spell it out for you, Mr. Liberator. I’m not interested.”

“Yeah, but,” he says, waggling his eyebrows. “Give me a chance. I’ve got moves.”

Flicka starts buzzing and banging against the glass, her tiny voice just barely filtering through to my genetically engineered ears. What is wrong with you? Just go along with this stupid oaf. We can probably get him drunk and then that amazing lift bot can deliver him to Queenie as soon as the gates open in the morning!

“Hmmm,” I say, considering her plan. It could work.

“Hmmm?” Jimmy says, giant smile on his face. “See, you’re already falling for me.”

Oh, my suns. How the hell did this guy go from alpha asshole to gooey love nut in the span of a few minutes? It makes absolutely no sense.

Unless he’s always been this way and I read him wrong.

Did I read him wrong?

No. I’m a professional. I don’t read anyone wrong.

“Well?” Jimmy asks.

“Well…” I feign a huge sigh, something in between relief and resignation. “OK. If you insist. I mean, I am stuck here for the night. So yes. I’ll take you up on your offer of unlimited access to the autoshopper and a shower.”

I smile sweetly. Then squint my eyes because did his dicks just grow?

“Excellent,” he says.

“But…” I say.

He raises his eyebrows.

“You have to let Flicka out of the glass.”

He looks over at my dragonbee bot and frowns, then cocks his head, looks at me, back at Flicka, and frowns again.

It’s almost as if he’s about to come to his senses. So I say, “Never mind. She’s fine in there.” Which makes Flicka go crazy as she bats herself against the side of the glass with a flurry of metallic wings.

Jimmy’s furrowed brow eases a little.

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance