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But on the other hand, she does have that asshole dragonbee bot.

And she is most definitely a Cygnian princess, which… wasn’t that the whole reason I was heading to the genetics lab in the first place? To avoid people like her?

“How about this,” I say. “I’ll make you an offer.”

“What kind of offer?”

“You tell me what you’re caught up in and I’ll see what I can do to help. I have connections, you know. I actually know a bunch of Cygnian princesses. My brother collects them in a harem on my home station.”

She just stares at me.

“But you know all that already, don’t you?”

She gives me just the slightest bit of a nod.

“I can help you. If you let me.”

“You really can’t,” she says.

“Right,” I say, remembering the words she blurted out just before I tackled her. “If it comes down to me or him, you choose him. So you’re here for me?”

Not even a blink from Delphi but her tiny bot is spinning and buzzing like crazy inside the glass, futilely trying to get control of its motor functions.

“You’re here for me,” I say again, trying it on for size. “Like… you’re a booty hunter for Akeelians?” I smile at the irony. “Hey, is there a harem wherever it was you were gonna take me? Like… are there a ton of other Akeelian males just letting their cocks hang out while dozens of rich women peruse them and take them for a spin?”

“You think this is funny?”

“I have no idea what this is, Delphi. I’m just filling in my own blanks because you refuse to illuminate me.” Then I laugh. “Ha. Little glow joke there.” But then… oh. I recall the reason why everyone loves the Cygnian princesses and wonder what she’d look like out of that stupid costume. Wondering what she’d look like exploding like the sun.

No, that’s a bad idea. Very bad idea. I’m on my way to make sure no Cygnian princess ever catches me in their stupid soulmate net.

Still… there’s kind of an innate attraction to her. Or at the very least, a fascination.

“OK,” I say, taking a deep breath and letting it out. “How about a truce?”


“Why? I mean, it’s pretty obvious why.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“Yeah, it is. You’re here for me and I need you to tell me why. Because I’m starting to think that the whole reason I’m stuck on this stupid resort is because of you. Did you send my ship a virus?”

She presses her lips together and folds her arms across her chest.

“Ahh,” I say. “OK. Well… truce. How about you do a little shopping, take a shower and wash that ridiculous horn off your head, and then we can eat something that isn’t four-hundred-credit noodles.”

“Why?” she snaps. “Why are you being this way?”

“What way?”

“Nice! Understanding! Considerate!”

“Maybe because that’s the kind of guy I am,” I say. Smoothly, I might add.

“You kidnap princesses.”

“I already told you, I liberate bots.”

“You keep them captive up in that station.”

“They’re there by choice.”

“You sell them to rich people all over the galaxy.”

“Not without permission, we don’t. You’ve got this all wrong.”

“Which part?”

“Every part I just mentioned! For sun’s sake, why can’t you just accept my peace offering? I’m the victim here, not you.”

“Exactly,” she says, nodding her head like this explains everything.

I point to the bedroom. “Go take a shower and wash that shit off your hair.”

She shakes her head. “Let my bot out of that glass and stop that shutdown sequence.”

“Oh.” I laugh. “I forgot about that.” I tab my wristband and the bot springs up, hitting the top of the glass, and knocks itself out.

“What did you do?” Delphi asks, rushing over to the bar. But I put a hand over the top of the glass before she can lift it up.

“It stays in there for now. It just hit its head.”

“She’s a she, not an it.”

“Right. Flicka.”

“Yes. And you better not hurt her. She’s the only friend I have left.”

“Well, that’s all very sad, princess. But she stays put until you spill the beans about your plan. And,“ I say, putting up a hand because she’s about to protest again, “the reason I’m calling a truce is so you can find a way to trust me. OK? That’s it. I give you things, you give me things. We’re good. Both of us gets something in the end.”

“I need something you don’t have.”

“Ah,” I say. “Your brother. Now that’s an interesting story because I was told that Cygnian males are worthless pieces of shit.”

She opens her mouth to curse me, but I continue before she can.

“Just what I’ve heard, Delphi. I’m not saying it’s true. But I do know they’re not highly regarded where you come from, so this has got to be a very interesting story. And it’s worth the stop on Mighty Minions, the seven-thousand-credit family pass, the insane demon holo children, and the cost of this room just to get that answer. So go take a shower, buy yourself some new clothes, and then we can talk like rational, grown-up people whose only purpose seems to be to fuck each other and make babies.”

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance