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“What shall I wear for you?” I offer, hoping to send him back into horny Akeelian male mode.

And it works! Because he smiles. “Something… pink.”

Ewwww. But I keep that to myself. Because holy shit. I think I have him under some kind of spell. Some kind of Cygnian princess love spell.

I wave my hand in front of my face to make that image go away because… ewwww.

“OK,” I say. “Next time you see me I’ll be all pink for you.”

I turn towards the bedroom, then look back over my shoulder as I pass through and give him a wink, just to make sure that love spell is still cooking.

He waves his fingers at me.


I close the door and cover my mouth so I don’t laugh out loud.

What a tool.

Because this guy right here… he’s falling for the wrong princess.

The autoshopper in the bedroom is just like the one in the living room. I turn it on, stand in front of it, and let it scan my body because this sucker right here is top of the line. I’m talking full-on holographic 3-D body image of any outfit in the store.

I mean… if a girl is forced to shop there are worse ways to do it, am I right?

And actually… I look over my shoulder at the closed door. He did say unlimited access. Well, I said unlimited access, but he didn’t object. So I’m gonna get myself an entire new wardrobe.

Why not? I’ve been broke for so long. Ever since Tycho and I made our big escape meals have been lean, and budgets have been tight, and before we got caught up in the Loathsome One’s diabolical plan, we worked our butts off doing stupid menial jobs far below our pay grade.

We are skilled, we are tough, and we not only made it out of Cygnia, we made it out together.

I deserve this. Hell, he deserves this too.

So the first thing I do is order luggage. Because I’m gonna pack those suckers full of clothes for both of us and when I leave here—with Jimmy—I’m gonna make sure Tycho feels like the prince he is when I get him back.

Because he is a prince. If he’s my twin and I’m a princess, then he is a prince and he deserves this.

I get him three pairs of the newest, most up-to-date tech-enabled tactical pants I can find. I get him t-shirts, and thermal shirts, and boots, and a super-expensive bomber jacket that will keep him warm once we get where we’re going. And super-soft, super-nice socks, and a belt that costs more than the fake horn I’m sporting.

I even get him pajamas.

Then it’s my turn. I go practical as well. More tactical pants for me. Plus leggings, and T-shirts, and sweaters, and a warm and fuzzy nandi-wool coat with matching booties that looks amazing when the 3-D holo image of me spins inside the mini-dressing room. I even get shorts and a pair of sandals just in case I ever get back this way and can manage a stop on Blue Sand Beach.

And then I press ‘Send to Printer’ and it’s done.

I lean back, pretty fucking satisfied with myself.

But then I glance at the shower and it’s beckoning me. I go check it and find it’s one of those total immersion experience capsules. There’s a control panel on the side with a bazillion settings and almost none of them have anything to do with soap.

Good gods. I look over my shoulder, maybe just the tiniest bit embarrassed. Because for being inside a family resort, it’s certainly not meant for kids.

We have one experience called ‘Single and Loving It’ which features specially ribbed scrubby bots and when I tab the quick sample button on the screen there’s an animated movie explaining just what the little scrubby bots are capable of.

Then there’s one called ‘Couples’ Experience’ which has both scrubby bots and grippy bots and that sample animation can almost count as porn.

Mmmm-hmmm. Mighty Boss has a dirty mind.

I choose “Quick Clean” because tempting as it is, I’m not here for self-pleasure. Or couples’ pleasure. I’m here to use this guy’s credits in the autoshopper, get him drunk, and then kidnap his ass and take him back to the Loathsome One to exchange for my brother.

My unihorn hair falls apart the moment water touches it, but I don’t miss it. This might be the basic get-clean version of this shower, but it’s the best one I’ve had in ages.

Still, Jimmy’s been quiet out there this whole time and a part of me wonders if he’s cooking up some scheme. So I finish up, dress in some comfy leggings, a sweater, and my nandi-wool booties. Ready to get this show on the road.


Delphi disappears into the bedroom and I just stand there looking at the closed door for a few moments, wondering how I got so lucky. She’s so damn cute. And a little mouthy. I like that. And sexy. Even though she’s got a stupid hair horn on her head.

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance