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He offered it back to her in the open palm of his hand. "You won't need to use this, I promise." When she mutely accepted the gun and returned it to its holster behind her back, he strode over to the sofa and sheathed the wicked blade that had been resting at the top of his open duffel.

"You must have been shaken up pretty badly, being one of the first to see what had happened here."

"It wasn't a good day," she said, the understatement of the year. "The Tomses were decent people. They didn't deserve to die like this. No one does."

"No," he replied soberly. "Nobody deserves this kind of death. Except the beasts responsible for what happened to your friends."

Alex looked at him as he closed the lid on his lethal rounds and put the case back into his bag. "Is that what brought you here--you and all these weapons? Did someone from Harmony hire you to come in and slaughter an innocent pack of wolves? Or are you here to collect on your own instead?" He cocked his head in her direction. "No one hired me. I'm a problem solver. That's all you need to know."

"Bounty hunter," she muttered, with more venom than probably was wise. "What happened out here had nothing to do with wolves."

"So you said last night in that meeting." His voice was more level than she'd heard it thus far. And when he looked at her, it was with a probing intensity that made her take a step backward on the boot heels of her Sorels. "Nobody believed you."

"Do you?"

If possible, that hard silver gaze mined deeper. As though he could see right through her, all the way down to the memories she could not bear to relive. "Tell me what you know, Alex."

"You mean, tell you more about the footprint I found outside?" He gave the barest shake of his head. "I mean the rest of it. How is it that you can be so certain these killings weren't done by animals? Did you see the attack?"

"No, thank God," she answered quickly.

Too quickly maybe, because he took a step toward her, scowling now. Sizing her up.

"What about the video? Is there more of it somewhere? Something beyond the footage shot after the killings had occurred?"

"What?" Alex had no need to feign confusion now. "What video? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Three days ago, a cell phone video clip was shot out here and posted to an illegal site on the Internet."

"Oh, my God." Appalled, Alex brought her hand up to her mouth. "And you saw it?" The tendon that jerked in his cheek was confirmation enough. "If you know something more about the slayings that took place here, I need you to tell me now, Alex. It's very important that I have all the information I can get."

If Alex had been tempted to blurt everything out last night in the town meeting, now, as she stood alone before this man--this stranger who rattled her inexplicably on every level of her being--the words clogged up tight in her throat. She didn't know him. She wasn't at all sure she could trust him, even if she did somehow ratchet up the nerve to drag her darkest suspicions into the light.

"Why are you really here?" she asked him softly. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for answers, Alex. I'm looking for the same thing I believe you are--the truth. Maybe there's a way for us to help each other."

The sharp trill of Alex's cell phone broke the lengthening quiet. It rang again, giving her the excuse she needed to put a few paces between herself and the man whose presence seemed to be sucking all the air out of the room. Alex turned away from him and connected to the call.

It was Jenna, phoning to remind her that they were supposed to meet up for dinner at Pete's tonight. Alex murmured a hasty confirmation but stayed on the phone after Jenna said her good-byes and disconnected. "Yeah, no problem," Alex said into the dead air of the receiver. "I'm on my way right now. I'll be there in twenty minutes, tops. All right. Yep, bye.">She heard movement inside, then a creak and a loud pop as a floorboard protested the cold and the weight of whoever--or whatever--was inside with her dog.

More movement, footsteps approaching the open space of the door. Fear crawled up the back of Alex's neck. She reached around to the handgun holstered under her parka at the small of her back. She drew the weapon and held it in a two-fisted grip in front of her, just as Luna came trotting nonchalantly out to greet Alex at the bottom of the stairs.

And behind her, farther inside Pop's house, was a man--the dark-haired stranger from the back of the church last night. Despite the cold, he was dressed in nothing but a pair of loose blue jeans, which he was casually fastening as if he'd just rolled out of bed.

He held Alex's incredulous gaze with a calmness she could hardly fathom, looking for all the world like staring down the barrel of a loaded .45 was something he did every day.

"You," Alex murmured, her breath clouding in front of her. "Who are you? What the hell are you doing out here?"

He stood unmoving, unfazed, inside the main room of the house. Instead of answering her questions, he tipped his strong, squared chin to indicate her pistol. "You mind pointing that somewhere else?"

"Yeah, maybe I do," she said, her pulse still pounding and not entirely from fear now. The guy was intimidating, nearly six-and-a-half-feet tall, with broad, muscled shoulders and powerful biceps that looked capable of dead-lifting a bull moose. Beneath an unusual pattern of hennalike tattoos that danced artfully over his chest, torso, and arms in some kind of intricate tribal design, his skin had the smooth, golden color of a Native. His hair seemed to indicate the same lineage, jet black and straight, the close-chopped spikes looking as silky as a raven's wing.

Only his eyes gave him away as something other than pure Alaskan. Pale silver, piercing against the thick, inky lashes that fringed them, they held Alex in a grip that felt almost physical.

"I need to ask you to step outside where I can see you," she said, not comfortable with this situation-or this unnerving man--in the least. Even though she was certain she was no match for him, with or without bullets to back her up, she made her best attempt at affecting Jenna's no-bullshit police officer tone.

"Right now. Out of the house."

Tags: Lara Adrian Midnight Breed Paranormal