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I grinned at the wonder on her face. “It’s pretty amazing, right? I feel like that every time I walk out. Most days I can’t believe that this is actually my life.” I led her to the players’ bench, where I’d put two pairs of skates.

“What are those?” She pointed to the skates.

“Skates. Sit down.” I nodded toward the bench.

She sat but looked at me like I’d grown three heads. “Right. I can see that. But I told you last week I didn’t know how to skate.”

“Exactly.” I hit my knees in front of her and pulled one of her feet into my lap, unlacing her converse. “I’m going to teach you.” With one shoe off, I started on the next.

“But I’m not wearing the right socks,” she protested.

I reached behind me and pulled out a pair of longer socks from inside one of the skates I’d bought for her. “Got them right here in your skates.”

She sputtered. “But how would you even know my shoe size?”

“I called your assistant.” I finished unlacing the second shoe and put it next to its partner. “She’s incredibly helpful.”

“She’s fired,” Bristol muttered.

I laughed and peeled the socks from her feet. What was it about this woman? Even her toes were pretty. Other than the fact that we fought like cats and dogs, I couldn’t find a single flaw in this woman, and I wasn’t even sure that fighting was a flaw.

One by one, I rolled the socks up her feet and over her jeans, which were the kind that molded to her legs like a second skin. “I can’t wait to take these off later.”

“The socks?” she teased, flexing her toes in my lap.

“The jeans.” My hands slid up her thighs.

“What about right now?” Her breath hitched, and her gaze fell to my lips.

“Right now, we’re skating.” I somehow managed to tear my hands away from her legs.

“Fine.” She gave me a fake pout, then cringed as I laced her up nice and tight.

“The bad news?” I tied the last one in a bow, tying it up so it didn’t trip her under her blades.

“There’s more bad news?” She quirked a brow over eyes that looked almost blue today.

“I couldn’t get them baked to your feet, so they’re going to hurt like a bitch after the first thirty minutes.” I winced, reaching for my skates.

“Oh, good, so I can be all clumsy and in pain. Awesome.” She bumped my shoulder as I laced up my first skate under my athletic pants. “Is there good news?”

“You look hot in skates.” I threw her a grin and laced up my second skate.

“You’re really fast at that.”

“Lots of practice.” Once I finished, I stood and offered her my hand. “You ready?”

“What’s in this for me?” There was a playful glint in her eyes.

I took her waist in my hands and lifted her to her feet, pulling her against me. “You give me thirty minutes, and I’ll do the same once we get back to my place.” Leaning in, I nipped at her lower lip.

“Are you telling me I flew down here for thirty minutes?” she teased, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Oh no. I’m going to fuck you for hours,” I promised, kissing just beneath her ears. “You won’t be able to walk when I’m done with you. The thirty minutes is just to see how many times I can get you to come on my tongue.”

She gasped when my teeth grazed her earlobe. “Deal.”

“I knew you’d see it my way.” I took her hand and stepped back. “Come on, let me introduce you to my mistress. She’s cold, hard, and a little unforgiving, but I bet you’ll love her.”

I led her to the doorway, then helped her onto the ice, keeping my hands on her waist so she didn’t fall.

She grabbed onto my shoulders and didn’t let go.

“See? There’s nothing to it.” I gave her a grin and began skating backward, pulling her with me. “Nice and slow.”

“Right, because I’m just standing here.” She lifted a challenging eyebrow, but there was a smile tugging at her lips.

“Want me to let go?” I jokingly lifted my hands off her waist, only by an inch or so.

“No!” Her grip tightened.

I laughed, putting my hands back where they belonged—on her. “I’ve got you, Bristol. As a matter of fact, how long do I have you for?”

“I have to be on the six a.m. back to the city. Board meeting in the morning.”

“Then we’ll make the most of it.” A stab of disappointment I hadn’t expected to feel ripped right into my stomach. One night. Then again, it was always one night with us. Our entire…arrangement…was a series of one-nighters.

She shivered, and I skated us over to the wall. Of course, she was cold. She wasn’t exactly dressed for the ice. “Here. Hold on.” Once she had a firm hold on the board, I stripped out of my warm-up jacket, leaving me in a T-shirt.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Carolina Reapers Romance