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Alec takes a step back and pulls something—a ring box—out of his pocket. “I knew back then what a big heart you had, and it’s only grown over the years. I want that heart, Lex. I want it to be mine. I want your heart, baby.”

He drops to one knee, and my hands cover my mouth, realizing what’s happening.

“Alexandria Scott,” he continues, opening the box and revealing the beautiful heart-shaped diamond engagement ring. “Will you marry me?”

I don’t even have to think about it. I may not have any idea what my future holds, but I do know one thing. I want Alec by my side while I figure it out. “Yes!” I tell him. “Yes, I will marry you.”

Alec rises to his feet and swoops me up into his arms, twirling us around in a circle. His lips connect with mine and he kisses me hard, showing me how happy he is with my answer.

When he sets me back onto my feet, he takes my hand in his and slides the ring onto my third finger. “I don’t want to wait,” he says, bringing my hand up to his mouth and kissing the finger that now holds my engagement ring. “I want to get married as soon as possible.”

I’m not shocked by his admission, since he’s made his intentions clear every step along the way. But what I am shocked about is the fact I’m completely okay with marrying him as soon as possible.

“How about in August or September?” I offer. “It will give us enough time to plan the wedding after the competition is over.”

“Okay,” he agrees. “We can discuss it with our parents and set a date.”

Oh shit… our parents. “Alec, we just told everyone we’re dating not too long ago. Don’t you think they might freak when they learn we just went from dating to engaged in less than a couple weeks?”

“Nope,” Alec says confidently. “Everyone already knows.”

“What?” I sputter.

“You don’t really think I would ask you to marry me without asking for your dad’s permission first, do you?”

“You asked for his permission?” I choke out. “When? Where?”

“When I told you I had some errands to run the day we all got together for the barbeque, I went to pick up your ring and speak to your dad.”

“And how did that go? I mean, you’re still alive, so at least we know he didn’t kill you…” I half-joke.

“It went well. I’ll tell you about it later, but right now, we have people waiting to help us celebrate our engagement.”

Alec takes my hand in his and walks us around to the front of the building. Before we get to his truck, he pulls his phone out. I glance at it and see he’s texting someone.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” Instead of steering us toward his truck, he turns at the last second and steps in front of my mom’s paint studio. Before I can ask what he’s doing, he opens the door and pulls me through.

The second we enter, everyone yells, “Congratulations,” and my parents are on me, hugging me.

Next, Georgia envelops me in a hug. “I’m so happy for you,” she says, holding me tight.

“Thank you,” I tell her, my heart so full. “You’ll be my maid of honor, right?”

“Oh, so what am I, chopped liver?” a feminine voice says.

Georgia and I separate, and I find Micaela standing there with her hand on her hip and a playful smirk on her face. “Micaela!” I shriek, running into her arms. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“And miss your engagement party?” She scoffs. “Not on your life.”

“Are Ryan and RJ here?” I ask, looking around for her husband and son.

“Yes,” she says, a smile gracing her lips. “They’re around here somewhere. Probably at the dessert table. RJ is obsessed with the cupcakes.”

I give her another hug because I’ve missed her. The last time I saw her was at Alec’s dad’s funeral, and that wasn’t exactly a social visit. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I was just kidding about the whole maid of honor thing,” she says with a laugh. “But I better at least be invited to the wedding.”

“Oh my God, stop! You will be in my damn wedding and you know it.”

We both separate and laugh.

“Go on and make your rounds,” she says. “We’re in town for the weekend at the beach house.”

“Oh, yay! We’re totally hanging out. We should have a barbeque.”

“Sounds good,” she says.

My eyes lock with Alec’s mom and she pulls me in for a hug. “I’m so happy love found you and Alec,” she says. “Welcome to the family… officially.”

“Congratulations,” Mason adds. “About damn time that boy hooked you.” He winks, and Mila smacks his chest.

“How many times do I have to tell you?” my dad says, coming up next to me. “My daughter is not a damn fish.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance