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“I want to say something to him,” she whispers into my ear.

“Not worth it,” I tell her. “Let the police handle it.” The cops mentioned if we say anything to Jason, he can try to cover up his tracks, so the best thing is to not say a word and let them investigate.

“So, the rumors are true?” Ricco asks. “You two an item?”

“Yeah,” Lexi says, giving my cheek a kiss and then standing. “We’re a couple.”

“About damn time,” Max says, leaning over and patting me on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family, man.”

“We’re just dating,” Lexi points out. “He’s not family until we’re married.” She winks flirtatiously, then, grabbing her board, jogs down the beach.

“Semantics!” I call after her.

Max laughs. “Marriage, huh? Just make sure you ask Dad’s permission first. You know how he is about his little girls.”

Shit… I didn’t think about that. I’m dating Tristan Scott’s daughter. I’m going to be having dinner with him, and he’s going to take one look at us and know I’m sleeping with her. Fuck! Maybe we can get married today, before we meet them for dinner. Then I can say I’ve made an honest woman out of her…

“You okay?” Max asks with humor in his voice. “You’re looking a little pale.”

“Maybe I should go pick up a ring now,” I suggest, freaking the hell out.

Max cracks up laughing. “I’m pretty sure Dad knows Lexi isn’t a virgin.”

I swing my head around and glare at him. No guy wants to be reminded his woman has been with anyone before him. Of course, this only makes Max laugh even louder.

“Okay, my bad.” He puts his hands up. “But seriously, we’ve all been waiting for you two to come to your senses for years. He’s not going to be shocked that you’re together. Just treat her right and you won’t have any problems… with any of us.”

“Got it.”

I look out at the ocean just in time to see Lexi riding a rather large wave, and Jason sidling up to her. I don’t know shit about surfing, but I do know from listening and watching Lexi, encroaching on someone’s wave is a huge fucking no.

He comes so close, their boards almost touch, and Lexi ends up wiping out.

“What the hell,” Max says, removing the camera from his face.

“He has a thing for your sister,” I explain, “and he’s pissed he didn’t get her.” I don’t mention he’s also most likely the guy who keyed her car, since she hasn’t told her parents yet. She’s planning to tell them about it tonight at dinner.

I stand, wanting to make sure Lexi is okay. She pops up and grabs her board. Even from up here, I can see the pissed off expression on her face. She is one sexy fucking feisty woman. She paddles to shore, following Jason, and once they’re both out of the water, she’s stomping toward him, yelling.

I can tell by the way Jason is smirking he got exactly what he wanted: Lexi’s attention. The guy seriously rubs me the wrong fucking way.

“I apologized for things not working out between us,” she says. “We went on one freaking date! One! For you to call me names and key my jeep is bullshit!” So much for not confronting him… “But fucking with me in the water is taking this shit too far. You don’t. Fuck. With someone. In the water!”

“What do you mean he keyed your car?” Max asks.

“Someone keyed slut into the side of my jeep… hours after Jason called me a tease because I chose to date Alec instead of him.”

“You did what?” Max says, stepping up to Jason, who still has a shit-eating smirk plastered on his face. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“You have no proof of that,” Jason says with a shrug. “Maybe I’m not the only guy your sister was leading on. Who knows how many guys she’s letting dick her.”

Max punches Jason square in the face. “Don’t you ever talk about my sister like that.”

Jason stumbles back slightly, and once he gets his footing, steps toward Max.

“You need to get the fuck out of here,” I tell Jason, stepping between Jason and Max. “You didn’t get the girl, deal with it like a man, not a little bitch.”

“Whatever you say,” he says through a laugh, already walking away.

“I can’t believe him.” Lexi huffs.

“Forget him,” I tell her. “He’s gone now. Go surf and show me how you’re going to win this competition.” I pull her toward me and kiss her. At first, she’s wound up tight, but eventually she softens into the kiss.

“Okay,” she murmurs against my lips. “Sorry I let it slip about him keying my jeep.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just promise me you’ll stay away from him.” My request isn’t coming from a jealous boyfriend, but from someone worried about what that asshole is capable of. I could tell by the smug look on his face he didn’t give a shit about being called out or caught.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance