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My insides knot at his words, and I pull at his shoulders to bring his mouth to mine. “That’s good, Alec, because I never want you to let me go.”


I wake up to the sound of Lexi softly snoring. Her body is draped across mine, and her head is nestled against my chest, with my arm wrapped around her. Since she was covered in my cum—something I was completely okay with but at the same time understood why she wasn’t keen on going to sleep in that condition—we jumped into the shower together. Since I have the master bedroom, I also have an en suite bathroom. We stayed in the shower, kissing and washing each other, until the water ran cold, and then, after she dressed in a shirt of mine—and nothing else—we climbed back into my bed, where we made out like teenagers until we eventually passed out.

Now it’s morning, and I wish we could stay in bed all day—hell, if it were up to me, we would stay in bed all fucking year. When Lexi is in my arms, the ache I feel over losing my dad hurts a little less. I know she can’t replace him—nobody can. But for years, he was rooting for Lexi and me to get together. It’s actually bittersweet when you think about it. I finally got the girl, but I lost my dad. He’s not here to congratulate me, to be by my side when we one day get married—which, if I have it my way, will be sooner rather than later. He won’t be here to hold his first grandchild when we have kids.

“What’s going through that head of yours?” Lexi asks, running her fingers up my bare chest.

I glance down at her, and her brows furrow. “Alec,” she says, scooting closer, so she’s lying on me, our faces close. “Why are you crying?”

I blink rapidly and can feel what she’s referring to. Thinking about my dad brought tears to my eyes. Not wanting to ruin our time together, I shake my head, but Lexi immediately shakes hers back.

“Don’t tell me nothing. You have tears in your eyes.” She lifts her hand and swipes at a tear that escaped. “Talk to me.”

“I was thinking about my dad,” I admit. “Of everything he’ll miss. Everything I won’t be able to share with him because he’s gone.”

Lexi nods in understanding, then climbs on top of me, so we’re face-to-face. Her thighs grip my torso, and I can feel her heat against my skin. “I won’t even pretend to know what you’re going through,” she says. “I’ve never lost anyone, except my bio mom, but really, I never had her, so I know it’s not the same. But, I knew your dad, and he loved you so much, and I’d like to think he’s in heaven watching over you.”

“I hope you’re right,” I tell her, and then to lighten the mood, I add, “but hopefully not all the time.” I waggle my brows and flex my hips, making Lexi giggle.

“You’re such a perv.” She swats at my chest playfully.

“And I’m your perv.”

She snorts a laugh. “What are we doing today?”

“Is staying in bed an option?” I half-joke.

“I need to go to the beach later to get some surfing in. And I was thinking we could ask our parents to go to dinner so we could tell them about us. I don’t want them to find out from anyone else but us.”

I love that she wants to tell our families. It means she’s serious about us, which is good since I’m dead fucking serious about her.

“That sounds good. I want to go by Lacie’s to check on her. Want to go with me? We can grab a late breakfast afterward.” I told Lexi about Lacie being pregnant and her plan to move closer to her sister. I offered to help her pack up, but she insisted on hiring a service.

“Of course.”

After calling our parents and texting Georgia, we head out. As we’re walking past Lexi’s jeep to my truck, she stops and gasps. “What the hell?” Keyed into the driver side of her jeep, reads, slut, the line from the t continuing across the entire side of her vehicle. “Who would do this?”

“If I had to guess… Jason.” I pull my phone out to call the police so we can file a report. “He’s pissed you didn’t want to date him and now he’s being fucking immature.”

Lexi’s head whips around to look at me. “That asshole… When I see him, I’m going to kick his ass.”

“You’re not going anywhere near him. If he has the balls to do this shit, who knows what else he’s capable of.”

She growls, and I chuckle at how feisty my woman is.

After filing a report with the police, and then calling Lexi’s insurance company to file a claim, we finally take off as planned.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance