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“How was your night out?” Lacie asks after the waiter walks away.

“Good, but I don’t think my body is able to handle those long nights out like it used to,” I groan.

Lexi laughs. “You’re twenty-five, not sixty, and we were home by three.”

“You’ll understand when you’re my age,” I joke.

We spend the next hour or so enjoying our meal. My dad talks about a new client he and Lacie have picked up at their real estate firm. He’s one of the majority stakeholders in a large investment firm, so it’s a huge deal for their firm. Lexi gushes about a storm she heard is coming in soon and can’t wait to get out on the water. My dad, of course, warns her to be careful.

“You sound just like your son,” she says, right before she shoots a playful glare my way.

“That’s only because I love you and can’t imagine what my life would be like if something happened to you,” I tell her truthfully.

Her glare softens. “I know. That’s why you’re my best friend.”

My dad gives me a knowing look, but I just laugh it off. My family will forever be rooting for Lexi and me, but like I’ve said a million times, I’m not about to risk losing our friendship just to have a chance at something more with her. Lexi is wild and untamed. She isn’t meant to be tied down. She’s meant to soar and be free.

While we’re finishing our meal, Lexi’s phone dings with a text. When she checks it, she frowns.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, that guy Georgia met at the club last night…”


“Yeah, he asked her to meet him for lunch.”

“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.

“Nothing, I guess. It’s just that Georgia has never dated before, and now she’s going from zero to sixty. She should take her time and get to know him first, before meeting with him.”

“You’ve hooked up with guys with less conversation,” I point out. I’m not trying to judge, but I’m surprised she’s being so judgmental toward her sister.

Lexi’s eyes meet mine. “Exactly, and I know how empty it feels. I don’t want that for my sister.”

It takes everything in me not to pull her into my arms and beg her to let me show her how meaningful it can be. I haven’t personally experienced meaningful sex, but I know without a doubt if Lexi and I were to get together it wouldn’t be without emotions.

Instead, I nod. “You’re a good sister.”

When the bill is paid, my dad and Lacie walk out with us to my truck.

“Thank you for brunch,” I tell my dad, giving him a hug.

“Anytime. You know this new client I have? He’s offered me tickets to some country music festival next weekend. Apparently, the company he owns has ties to the Empire Polo Club.” The Empire Polo Club is a large concert venue in Indio. “Lacie and I thought about going, but to be honest we couldn’t even tell you who half the bands are that are playing at the festival. I’m starting to realize I’m no longer the cool guy I used to be.”

“It’s okay, Dad, you’re still cool in my book.” We both laugh. “I’ll see if Lexi wants to go. She loves country music, so I’m sure she’ll be down.” I glance over at her chatting with Lacie, giving my dad and me a minute to talk alone.

“He said he’ll have four tickets for me at will-call. I’ll let him know you’ll be the one picking them up.”

“Sounds good.” I give my dad another hug. “Thanks.”


“This feels soooo good,” Georgia groans, dropping her head against the back of the salon chair. “Aren’t you glad you drove up for a girls’ day?” She glances over at Micaela, who has her eyes closed, also thoroughly enjoying her pedicure.

Even though my toes end up getting ruined from the sand and saltwater, every two weeks, Georgia and I go to get pedicures. She loves them, and I love spending time with my sister, so it’s a win-win. This morning, Micaela drove up to join us. After going to breakfast, we came to our favorite salon to get pampered.

“I am,” Micaela gushes. “Summer classes start Monday, so it’s nice to relax for a little while.”

“How are Ryan and RJ doing?” I ask. Ryan is staying home with RJ while Micaela goes to school full time. He posts the most adorable pictures on social media, but I really should make my way down to visit soon. RJ is so cute and growing up too fast.

“They’re good.” Micaela smiles. “I can’t wait to be done with school so things will slow down a little. Between school and interning at Scripps… and being a wife and a mother…”

“You’re like superwoman,” Georgia tells her.

“Hardly. I couldn’t do it without Ryan, that’s for sure.”

“You’re both amazing parents,” Georgia says.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance