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“I… I… oh my God,” I breathed as they began to move.

It was awkward and unusual. It didn’t hurt, but it was… weird because it felt so good. I had no idea I had so many places that turned me on. Combined, I was doomed.

I was going to come. My clit was pressed against Shane’s hard body, and every time they rocked in and out of me, it pushed me closer to coming.

Our breathing mingled. Our sweaty skin clung. Our bodies were fused together.

We were one. Everything was forgotten except the here and now. Shane and Finch. Me, between them.

I screamed when I came, the feelings that intense. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Finch came first, swelling within me and coming with one hot burst of cum after another. Shane followed a few thrusts of his hips later, his head arched back on the pillow in his own ecstasy.

Finch carefully pulled out and moved off the bed. Shane rolled so he was on top, then pulled out. I felt the hot drips of their cum slip from me. I was sore. Achy. Blissfully relaxed.

“That was better than a spanking,” I murmured into the pillow that smelled like Finch.

“Sugar, you’re still going to get spanked,” Finch said, naked and gorgeous. His cock was still hard, slick and shiny with his cum and lube. “But you’ll get a happy ending. We promise.” He turned and went into the bathroom, and I heard the shower turn on.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up so we can get you all dirty again.” Shane offered me a quick smile, one that said he was a well-fucked, well-satisfied male. He climbed from the bed and headed into the bathroom as well. I’d never get tired of seeing his gorgeous bare ass.

They were mine. It had taken me years to find true happiness. I’d thought I would be alone forever, but I knew now, that would never happen. I had two men who wanted me. For me. In all ways. They wouldn’t control me. They’d have my back. No matter what life tossed at u

s, we’d handle it. Together. They’d walk beside me. Just as I would them.

Thanks for reading the Wild Mountain Men series! Hungry for more? How about some Grade-A Beefcake? Start the series with a double helping of cowboys with Sir Loin Of Beef.

They might call me Sir Loin of Beef, but when I see Kaitlyn for the first time, stick a fork in me, I’m done. But I won’t claim her alone. Jed Cassidy and I share everything, and that includes her. If the sweet little librarian isn’t ready to be wrangled by two rodeo champs, we’ll just have to break her in nice and slow. She’s ours. We will win her over—body and soul—and when we do? Well, let’s just say we’ll give her a hard ride…and it’ll last a hell of a lot longer than eight seconds.

Kaitlyn Leary takes one look at the sexy cowboys and can’t remember the last time she was so eager for a double helping of… big beef. But giving in to desire might ruin everything. Because the truth is that this small town librarian isn’t all she seems. Landon Duke and Jed might be talking about a future of picket fences and making babies, but the past could destroy it all. Still…two cowboys?

Who could resist?

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