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I writhed between them, so ready. “No, now.”

They stilled. “We’re big and we haven’t gotten you prepared.”

“I want to try,” I admitted. I’d loved it when their fingers had been inside me there. The idea of a cock…

Finch shifted and tugged open the bedside drawer to grab a bottle of lube. “We’ll play first, see how that goes.”

“Hands and knees,” Shane said. They shifted out of the way to give me room to turn. Once I was in position, Shane dropped onto the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight. “Come here.”

I moved to the right, lifted a knee and climbed over him so while I was still on my hands and knees, I straddled him. The air was cool on my heated skin. I knew they could see every inch of me, but I wasn’t embarrassed. The way they looked at me made me feel pretty, made me feel desired. Wanted.

And that made me bold.

Shane’s cock was right there, and instead of kissing him, I gave him a wicked grin and held his gaze as I shifted lower. His hips bucked as I licked him, then took him into my mouth.

“Shit, woman.”

Yeah, I felt very bold. But then a cold drizzle of lube dripped down over my back entrance. “Easy, sugar,” Finch said as he began to play. A finger slipped into my pussy and worked me like a cock would… hopefully soon. Another finger pressed against my slick entrance, carefully warming me up, pressing gently in and pulling back. Over and over until I relaxed as I sucked Shane’s cock.

I lifted my head and moaned when Finch got a finger to open me up and slip in. My eyes fell closed, and I breathed through it.

“Ready for another finger?” Finch asked as he dribbled more lube and worked it in.

I nodded, then looked to Shane. He cupped my cheek, and I licked his dick, then went back to work. I could suck him and allow Finch to play.

It was Shane, though, who lifted me off him a little while later. He tugged me up to kiss me; then he looked in my eyes. “I want in that pussy when I come.”

Finch kept his fingers in me but rested his palm against my lower back. He kept it there as I sank down onto Shane.

“Oh my God,” I moaned, Shane so big in my pussy and Finch with two fingers in my ass.

Somehow they found a rhythm that had them alternating inside me. I’d thought it was good with one guy, but this?

“More,” I breathed.

Shane watched me closely, his jaw clenched tight, the cords in his neck taut. Sweat beaded his brow. He was holding back.

I looked over my shoulder. Finch was right there, and I kissed him. “Please. I want you, too.”

“Sugar,” he groaned. He didn’t say anything for a minute, only watched me. “I’ll go slow. You tell me if it’s too much.”

I nodded and he slipped his fingers from me. Instantly I felt empty, even with Shane inside me. It wasn’t enough. One of them wasn’t enough anymore. I needed them both. Together. Now.

“Give Shane a kiss,” Finch said, and I turned, lowered myself down so my body was pressed to Shane’s. Shane cupped my cheek and kissed me, his legs slowly widening, which opened me up even more. For Finch.

I felt Finch shift behind me, his hand on my bottom, pulling my cheeks apart. A second later it wasn’t his fingers at my back entrance, but his dick, hard and big and slick with lube, insistent.

“Breathe,” Shane whispered. I did as he said. “Good girl. Again.”

He kept talking to me, soothing me as Finch added more lube, pressed, then popped in.

I gasped, my eyes widening at… “Holy shit,” I whispered, trying to breathe past the feeling of having both of them inside me. Finch was so much bigger than his two fingers, and it burned a little, the stretch.

“I’m so full.”

“Sugar,” Finch growled, his hand gripping my hip. “You’re so fucking hot. Tight. I’m not going to last.”

“Me either,” Shane said.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Wild Mountain Men Erotic