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The Vin Diesel stunt double shakes his head and widens the door. “He’s not coming out so I guess you’re going in.”

My hands freeze on the broom handle and for a short second I expect my mother. Instead, Abby walks in with a Hostess CupCake on a plate and a single lit candle.

“Don’t get delusional and think this means I like you,” says Abby. “Because I don’t. I’m being blackmailed and I don’t appreciate it. I do the blackmailing, not the other way around.”

Denny leans against the open door with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk planted on his face. “You have the rest of the night off with full pay. Get the hell out of my bar.”

“How did you know?” I ask.

Denny gestures toward Abby and Abby holds up a cell. “Rachel.”

Rachel. The two of them might as well have used razor blades against my soul. I take the phone and a moment before saying, “Hey.”

“Happy birthday!” I can hear Rachel’s smile. “Did Abby give you a piece of cake?”

I survey the prepackaged glob of sugar. “And a candle.”

“Good. Make a wish and blow it out.”

With an owner of a run-down bar and a drug dealer watching me, I stare at the burning candle and wish for Rachel’s health, for her happiness and for her forgiveness. I release a breath and watch as smoke rises into the air. “It’s done, Rach.”

“I love you,” she says.

Me, too. “Thanks.” I’m not sure how to react when my eyes burn.

“Abby says you have a girlfriend.”

Abby rocks her eyebrows when I glare at her. I sigh, not wanting to lie to Rachel, but the truth is, I like Haley. A lot. As much as I’m dying to see her naked, I’m just as content hanging out with her fully clothed. There’s a strange tugging inside me and I try not to focus on it because that chaos scares the shit out of me. “Yeah.”

“I want to meet her.”

“Maybe.” I consider adding on “freakasaurus.” I used to call Rachel that, but I lost the right to tease her months ago.

“I’ve got to go. A nurse walked in. Happy birthday again.” She ends the call and I hand the cell to Abby.

In a whirl, Abby turns on Denny. “If you give me twenty dollars, I’ll make sure he goes out the back.”

With a look used by marine interrogators, Denny assesses Abby. “You better.” He yanks a twenty out of his pocket, gives it to her, then leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.

“I’m not leaving,” I say.

“Didn’t expect you to think you would, but you will. And FYI—when you freak later because you rush out of here like your penis is on fire and like your eyes have been sprayed with Mace, know I stayed to watch your mom’s back. Then you will, once again, owe me. Since you’re in good graces with Daddy, I’m thinking cash this time. In increments of lots of zeros.”

“Don’t hold your breath because I’m staying.”

Abby cocks her head. “Aren’t you supposed to be meeting with Haley soon?”

“You do stalk me, don’t you?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. Everyone at school knows you and Matt will be going at it in April and that Haley’s all Mr. Miyagi Karate Kid to your Daniel-san. Has she taught you wax on and wax off yet? If so, can you teach me? I’m totally ready to kick some ass.”

“Conner and I will be going at it, not me and Matt,” I correct her, then ignore everything else.

There’s a gleam in her eye I don’t like. “Whatever you say. Check it out—I’m feeling generous today, so are you ready for your present?”

I hold out a hand, waiting for her worst.

“Okay, this isn’t your present, but it’s important. Matt figured out your weakness.”

Tags: Katie McGarry Pushing the Limits Romance