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A tingle passed over my flesh. Suddenly I was back in my fantasy world, leaving behind the real-life scene of correction. I was being fucked in his study and having sex across his desk was definitely something the little sub inside me yearned to do.

“How else can I please you, sir,” I took pity on his lack of closure. My desire to please him was insatiable and I wished to make up for my faults.

Jason placed his finger on my mouth and traced around my lips. Message received. He lay back and allowed me to manoeuvre over him and I started to lick my tongue around his growing erection. His sigh was deep and appreciative. I took my time giving him as much pleasure as I could give without suffocating myself with his large cock. Perhaps the evening had not been quite a disaster.


I was screaming “Red! Red!” over and over. Hands pawed me, grabbing me, crushing me. Terrible images burst across my dreams, not just the word red. I saw red, blood red everywhere. A monster had woken up in my dreams and turned them into nightmares.

“Gemma, wake up. Wake up!” Jason’s voice penetrated my unconscious state. I looked up and he was there hovering over me.

Cold sweat made me shiver in his arms and I fought back tears. I did not want the nightmares back. I thought I had conquered them.

“You’re OK. Bad dream.” He wrapped his arms back around me and he kissed my cheek. “You’re OK.”

A tranquillity descended, glancing around the dark room, there was nothing to frighten me. I was back to sleep quickly, comforted and safe in his embrace.


“How are you this morning, Gemma?”

Jason was looking very sprightly at me as he threw back the bed sheet unceremoniously. “No bruising, ice pack worked well,” he noted.

“I’m good, sir. It wasn’t pain that stopped me.” I sat up in bed as he withdrew his hand from my intimate parts, almost ashamed at the intrusion. “It was the crying, that was the issue. Whatever pain or pleasure I have experienced, being able to cry spontaneously has been an important outlet for me, to help process my pain or emotions,” I held his eyes steady in my gaze.

“And I took that from you. I understand, Gemma,” his serious voice in residence.

“You know, one of my masters used to fuck me with clothes pegs stuck all over there...” I stopped myself. His eyes were twinkling, too much information.

“You’re putting ideas into my head now. Did you cry when he did it?” he cocked his head to one side.

“Err. I bawled my eyes out and came quite spectacularly at the same time. Funny thing sex,” I looked down and hugged my legs to me, a bit embarrassed by my revelation.

“Since you’re not hurting...”

The sheet was whipped off me and I giggled, pretending to clamber away from him. He heaved me down flat on the bed and started to climb over me, ready to begin.


Water trickled down my legs washing away our combined juices. I took my time in the shower as Jason had volunteered to make a cooked breakfast. I smiled as I remembered the morning’s love-making. He had been so tender and sweet with me, gently probing and unhurried in his actions. I washed my hair twice and conditioned the ends. It had grown very long now, indicating the passage of time.

Jason cooked an excellent hot breakfast.

“I can cook you know, but why bother when I have plenty of helpers to do it for me,” grinned Jason, washing down another mouthful of bacon with his orange juice.

“Of course, I didn’t say you couldn’t.” I put my knife and fork down, my plate cleared and scraped clean. “But you’ll want me to clean up no doubt,” I said acidly and slid out from under the table missing his hand as he reached out to swipe my bottom.

“Careful, Gemma, or I will make you spend the day scrubbing floors under my feet.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

I ducked my eyes down. Somehow, I did not think it was an empty threat. He would enjoy humiliating me.

“I want to show you something. Come.”

Breakfast was over and Jason held my hand and led me to the front hallway. We slipped our shoes on and he opened the front door. Right in front of me, sitting on the drive was a blue BMW convertible. I gaped at him, he nodded back and then I start jumping up and down on the spot.

“Yes, Yes. Oh God, I don’t believe it. You got me a car,” I threw myself at him and he accepted my gratitude with a degree of awkwardness.

“I’ve lent you a car. It stays here. You won’t need it in the city since my drivers will take you back to your apartment.”

Tags: Jaye Peaches Erotic