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I glanced up to see Jason looking with unease at me! What was going on?

“More a lie of omission,” he said. “You see I’m thirty-one and I came to the conclusion that life is passing me by when it comes to important things in life. Here I sit in a big empty house, on my own. Well, mostly on my own.” He smiled a fraction at me. “So recently I decided to change my approach. I want you to come with me and I’m going to show you my secret.”

He held out his hand, my legs were getting weaker with anticipation as I followed him.

He led me not upstairs but to the corridor at the back of the house and we came to the mysterious locked door. Jason looked visibly uneasy and I had not seen him look so tense before now. He unlocked the door and held it open for me. A small anteroom with a closet and bench, similar to a cloakroom. He pushed the next door open and I crossed the threshold.

My mouth gaped wide and my legs went completely jelly like. I never imagined I would see what I was seeing.

The perfect kinky dungeon.

Oh, I had seen rooms like this before, but not this elegant. Beautifully arranged and with tasteful furnishings even if they were for unusual purposes. I tracked my eyes round the room. There were no windows, however, the ceiling was high enough not to give the room a claustrophobic atmosphere. The ceiling had a metal grid of small bars horizontally attached and suspended down from it. There was the equipment hanging on the walls, the whipping bench based on the sawhorse design, a gigantic four poster bed, the padded fucking table with rounded edges, the polished St Andrews wooden cross by the far wall, low level chests of drawers and the velvet divan in the centre of the room. It was all there, the complete set up.

He was looking attentively at me, gauging my reaction.

I turned to face him and my face remained fixed in an expression of amazement. The door had shut behind him.

“Yes, you see I am the master of this house in more than one way.”

My ears pricked up at the tone of his voice. Jason looked so cool and very dominating to me - why had I not seen this before?

No smile. His face was not giving any emotion away. “And I know I’m looking at my secret sub.”

He knew all along! How long had he known?

“Gone on, babe, have good look round.”

Chapter 7

I touched with my fingertips, my nervousness gone. I was buzzing with reawakening desires. I opened a drawer in the chest and its contents were neatly arranged in foam moulding, clean and pristine. Jason was leaning against the wall following me with his eyes and I knew he could sense my excitement. The hooks on the wall held an extensive range of whips, canes and straps, some look vicious. The poster bed had no canopy or drapes, although I could see a multitude of rings and hooks attached to it. The sheets were a pale crimson red. The cross looked intimidating and the cool wood was smooth to touch. The padded sawhorse bench had black leather on top and its legs had cuffs attached at the base. I did not touch it, shying away from it. Glancing to Jason I wondered if he had noticed my reticence.

All the furniture looked custom made for him and expensive, not the handmade rubbish I had been tied to in the past. On one wall there was a smoked glass door, peering through it, I saw a large bathroom with white tiled floor and black tiled walls. The main room smelt clean and faintly perfumed. No evidence of the familiar aroma of stale body sweat that I would expect. I turned to Jason who had not moved.

“I don’t understand. Why didn’t tell me before? You’ve had this... this... lair tucked away all this time. I’ve been dreading you finding out about me,” I was exasperated all of a sudden.

“You like my playspace then. Come let’s go to my study and talk. Honesty now,” he opened the door and took my hand.

Sitting in two opposing armchairs, we faced each other. Bizarre fantasies rush through my head, visions of myself tied down or prostrate on the floor before him. I was desperate for him to take me there and then, just knowing what he was and what it meant to me. Was that what he wanted from me? His hushed but clear voice brought me back to earth.

“I’ve been a dominant for ten years,” Jason started his story. “I’m wealthy, therefore it’s easy to keep quiet about my lifestyle. Money buys silence and privacy. I’m a member of an exclusive club and we only use the most vetted submissives. They are very obliging, however they are shared and I would prefer monogamy. Sometimes I’ve acquired my own subs or used escort agencies for longer term routine arrangements and occasionally I’ve tried conventional relationships but none of them last long. Now I want to settle down, have a long-term relationship with a partner who will meet my particular requirements. Therefore I started to make enquiries.”

He looked directly at me and I could not hold his gaze, I felt much more comfortable looking at my feet.

“Your name was one I heard on the grapevine, but you were, I think, in a relationship so I backed off. I tried a couple of others but they were uninteresting out of bed, they went their way quickly. Then I was in a HR meeting and your name cropped up as a potential intern. I don’t usually bother with such trivial appointments. I checked out your background and decided I would break my rules. You’ve done well at your job, whatever happens, you’ll always get a good testimonial from me.”

Why did he need to set my mind at rest?

He continued as I put aside my doubts. “I decided to go for the vanilla approach, I wanted to get to know you without the Dom/sub thing interfering. I didn’t want to scare you off, even though you’ve done stuff before.”

I fidgeted a bit. Where was he going to take me?

“You impressed me, your work, demeanour, discretion and above all your fucking.” He reached forward and touched my knee. “You’re really hot in bed, Gem.” He tipped my face up making me look into his incredible blue eyes.

“You’re not bad yourself, Jason,” I tempted a smile back at him, my voice mocking slightly.

He frowned for a moment, and then recovered his composure.

“So I have a proposal. I want to go the full thing with you. You will be my submissive and I will be your dominant. We’ll try it out over a few weekends.”

Tags: Jaye Peaches Erotic