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Austin texted at lunchtime to say he’s working a little late but should be back by eight, so at quarter to six, I pop downstairs and see Andrew at the desk.

“Hey,” I greet.

His eyes flash with annoyance.

“I’m going to grab some dessert at the bakery for tonight. Do you want me to grab you something from the coffee shop on my way back?”

“Nah; I’m good.”

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“I’m good. Have a good night.” He waves and goes back to the split screen surveillance monitor his eyes were pointed at.

“Raven seemed disappointed you couldn’t come,” I say, smiling. “I’m thinking that if you ask her out, she’ll probably say yes.”

Andrews eyes hit mine and they look more than annoyed. They look angry.

“I’m not interested in Raven, the heiress mommy porn queen. I was interested in you, but you’d rather date that rich prick. Even sat through that funeral and you barely gave me the time of day.”

I’m taken aback by the venom in his voice as well as his words.

“My father died,” I whisper.

“Yeah and I would’ve been there for you through that if you’d let me.”

Raven talked about the type of stuff she writes the last time the three of us went for coffee. I’ve told Andrew I write but have never gotten into the types of things I write. And I’m sad that he looks down on Raven for her literary choices as well as obviously has a problem with people who have money.

“A lot of what you just said was not nice, Andrew. I thought we were friends, but…”

“Yeah, naw. I don’t do the friend zone. You’re not into me, I’m not interested in bein’ pals. Whatever. Fuckin’ bitches are all the same. They pick the rich guy over the working guy even if the rich guy is a dick. I’m gonna be one of those dicks someday. Until then, I get passed over.”

“Bitches?” I stare in shock.

“Good night, Jada,” he growls. “Have a nice life. Don’t bother calling me when things go south with him. I won’t be taking calls.”

I swallow hard and then I walk out.

I’m floored.



I walk into the front door of the building and Andrew’s gunning me as I walk to the elevator. He’s got a big problem with me.

“Hey,” I greet.

“Fuck you, prick,” he grumbles half under his breath.

I straighten up and cock an eyebrow.

His face goes red as he stares at his screen, lip curling.

I wander over and wait until he looks up at me.

“You need something?” he clips.

“What’s your problem?” I ask, completely casual.

He shakes his head. “Got no problem.”

“No? What’s with the attitude?”

“Just sittin’ here doin’ my job man; didn’t realize I need to kiss your ass every time you walk in the place.”

“Don’t want you kissin’ anything of mine. Don’t expect attitude from you for no reason, either.”

“No reason? Yeah.” He scoffs. “Whatever, man.”

“Might wanna learn a thing or two about customer service if you expect to excel in the security industry, Andrew,” I advise.

“This isn’t my chosen profession,” he informs.

“No, but if acting is, you should be able to at least act professional, man. Make sure you do, or I’ll have to put in a complaint.”

He throws a pen across his desk. “Oh yeah? Getting’ two security guards fired? Make you feel like you got a big set of balls because you can do that?”

Fuck, this dickhead has a chip on his shoulder where I’m concerned. It’ll be good to be done with him when we head to San Diego.

I lean in. “The other guy, the guy you were hired to replace? Smoking a bong in my brother’s apartment during his shift. That’s why he got fired. If you’re gonna be an asshole with no cause, I’ll be talking to your boss again.”

“Rich pricks like you can snap your fingers and fuck someone’s life. Too bad you’re gonna fuck Jada’s life, too.”

“What makes you say that?”

“That redhead that was here a few weeks ago might’ve said a few things about you when we went for drinks the next day.”


“You get me fired, maybe I’ll tell Jada what I heard.” He smirks.

“Jada knows everything already. Go fuck yourself.” I walk away. Then after I get in the elevator, I turn around and smirk at him. “Have a good night. I know I will.”

The jackass glares at me as the doors close.

I have no idea what bullshit Sienna is feeding people about me. If what he said was even true. Security guards are not Sienna’s bag.

But I also don’t give a fuck right now. Fuck you, Andrew.

Jada’s mine.

I hired someone else today whose onboarding is going to mean I get to go back to California sooner than later and word is traveling about how our competitor Franklin was pulling shit with Bassell and their reputation is mud. Things with work are good. I’ve got my girl. I’m looking forward to taking her home and showing her what life will be like with me.

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance