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“You’re enjoying this,” Connor accused Hunter.

“Not at all.” But Hunter grinned.

“It will be okay, Connor,” Ria told him. “I’ll be there to help you.”

He gave her a firm look. “Just so you know who is in charge of this op, okay?”

She sighed. “You’re in charge.”

“I’m being serious here, Ria. You don’t follow my rules, then you’re out of this.”

“I always follow your rules.”

“If only that were true.”

“This guy isn’t dangerous.”

“We don’t know that,” Roarke said seriously. “Connor’s right. You need to follow his lead. This is what he does. I do not want you in any sort of danger.”

“I don’t know if your lip-reading abilities will help or not, but you aren’t to go searching for trouble. You’re to stick close to me. When you’re working, I’ll be in the bar. When we’re playing, you’re next to me. Understand?”

She nodded. “I understand.”

“Brave little subbie you have there.” Connor stepped out of the bathroom and nearly bumped into Hunter.

“Jesus, man. What are you doing? Were you waiting out here for me?”


Connor had to sigh. “You have problems, you know that, right?”

“Sure. It’s what makes me endearing.”

More like frustrating and annoying. But, hey, he paid Connor and paid him well. Plus, he kind of liked the big lug.

“You know what you’re up against with that girl?” Hunter got straight to the point.

“Ria isn’t a girl. And yes, I know what I’m doing. We signed a contract. Everything is clearly laid out.”

“Just checking she’s not going to end up hurt at the end of this. Unless you’re planning on bringing her with you? I could use her lip-reading skills.”

“Your concern for me is overwhelming.”

“You can look after yourself.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but we agreed to end this when my job here is over.” Even though the thought of leaving her made him feel a bit ill. There wouldn’t be a choice. He lived in Dallas not here.

She might come with you if you asked.

“Probably for the best,” Hunter told him. “She doesn’t seem like a good long-term prospect for you.”

“What the hell does that mean? Why not?”

“Got a mind of her own, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah. What are you trying to say?”

“You’d be happier with someone a bit more submissive in everyday life. Someone who won’t mind following the two hundred and one rules you live by. Life doesn’t play by the rules sometimes, Connor.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic