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“You can read lips?” Ajax asked. “How did you learn to do that?”

Oh, crap. She forgot he didn’t know.

“Um, I learned when I was young. Made it harder for my mom to realize that I actually had a hearing problem.”

Ajax scowled. “A hearing problem? Why didn’t I know about this?”

“You reading our lips right now?” Hunter asked looking interested.

“No. I have a hearing aid. I’m mostly deaf in my left ear. My right ear functions pretty well. So when the aid isn’t in, I can hear in a one-on-one conversation but if there’s background noise I have problems.”

“Interesting. Always wanted to read lips. Thought it would be a good skill in our business.”

“Why wasn’t this on your contract?” Ajax barked at her.

She bit her lip. “I didn’t want anyone to know.”

“She’s filled out a new contract.” Connor leaned forward, giving Ajax a look. “And she’s been punished for not completing the other club contract properly.”

“Please, dear God, just let the Earth open and swallow me down,” she muttered.

Sophie squeezed her hand.

Ajax turned to Sophie. “Did you know?”

“Leave Sophie out of this,” Ria said firmly.

“You’re right. She does protect everyone around her,” Hunter commented.

She turned back to glare at him. “Can we please get back to the topic at hand?”

“Good idea,” Roarke said. “How are we going to catch this guy?”

“We need to find a way to get him to target me,” Connor said. “Something he can blackmail me with.”

“Like what?” Ajax asked.

“Could put it out there that I’m have financial difficulties or running from something,” Connor mused.

“Or that you’re married,” Hunter added.

She flinched at that thought.

“We’re not saying that,” Connor said firmly.

“It’s a good idea,” she heard herself saying.

“No. It?

??s not.”

“Something else might take time to set up,” Hunter mused. “But this could be as simple as someone hearing you talking to your wife. We should go with that.”

“No.” He turned to her.

She smiled at him. Then reached up to cup the side of his face. “It’s okay. It’s not like you’re really married. And if it helps catch this person, it’s worth it.”

Hunter rubbed his hands together. “All right. That’s settled. You two will have to start playing at the club. Be lovey-dovey and all that crap. Then somehow let it slip that Connor’s married. Maybe take a phone call in one of our target’s hearing. Let your wedding ring slip out when you’re in the men’s changing room. Shit like that.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic