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“You’re one to talk. You need to be in control. Of everything. It’s part of what we like about being a Dom.”

“Yeah, part of it. I also realize that sometimes the rules need to be bent. That having too many can become like a noose around your neck. Mistakes happen.”

“I know that. I’m not a completely rigid bastard.”

“Sure you’re not. Well, I’m going to stick around for a bit since you need some backup.”

Connor’s eyes widened. “You’re doing what?”

“Yeah. I’m your backup. Even though, ultimately, I’m in charge.”

Controlling bastard.

“Can’t I have someone else?” he whined. Anyone else.

“They’re busy. You saying I can’t handle things?”

“I’m saying you have the subtlety of a steam locomotive and you don’t really do field work anymore.” Because he usually pissed everyone off.

“Yeah. I miss it. Haven’t had anyone threaten to kill me in months. Make’s life boring.”

“I’ll threaten to kill you if you want.”

Hunter patted his back. “That’s kind. But I know you don’t mean it.”

Didn’t he? He wasn’t so sure.


Ria tried to watch Trevor without being too obvious.

Five days had passed since the meeting at Ajax’s house. Connor had laid the bait down with a few fake phone calls to his wife. He’d let his wedding ring drop out of his locker while Hayden was in the room with him.

So why wasn’t the blackmailer making a move?

Maybe the blackmailer had only targeted Sophie. She was still worried about her friend. She talked to her each day. But she sounded a little unsure and lost. Didn’t help that Jerry had gotten out on bail. Ajax was keeping her safely tucked up in his house but eventually she’d want out from under his protection.

But one worry at a time. Right now, she needed to catch this bastard. She and Connor had played at the club almost every night, but she hadn’t picked up on anyone else being blackmailed.

She was nearly at the end of her shift, and they had plans to play tonight. Connor had just popped out to check on a problem with the cameras. Apparently, they’d stopped working. She wished he was here. She liked having him close by. It made her feel safe. Protected.

Trevor looked down at his phone with a frown then slipped out the back. It was a quiet night, and Vienna was covering the bar for him. Ria figured she could use a bathroom break herself.

“Hey, Ria, can I get a drink?” someone called out.

“Get it yourself,” she snapped.

The table burst into laughter. Idiots.

She shook her head and waved at Vienna. “Bathroom break.”

Vienna waved back.

She looked around for Connor. Shoot. He hadn’t returned yet. She bit her lip. She’d promised not to go off without him, but there was this niggling feeling that told her Trevor was up to something.

Ria slipped out and moved towards the bathroom. She frowned as she heard a door bang. Had Trevor gone outside? The back door led out to a small parking lot that the employees and club Doms mostly used. She grabbed her phone from her back pocket and sent off a quick text to Connor. Then she quickly moved along the passage and opened the door slowly. She peeked out and spotted Trevor heading towards the back of the lot. The parking lot was well lit but there were still plenty of shadows that she stuck to as she followed him.

Did the cameras go this far back? Not that they were working right now, anyway. A bad feeling developed in her stomach. She stayed back and crouched down by a car as Trevor came to a stop under a light.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic