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She really had to learn to guard her mouth better.

Sloan took his time applying lube to her back hole, building the anticipation. He knew she had to be on fire with need by now, he certainly was. He wanted nothing more than to plunge inside her. But she needed to remember he was in control, not her, and things moved on his timetable, as frustrating as that might be.

He spread lube on the vibrating dildo then pressed the head against her back passage. The puckered entrance closed then opened, as though it was nervous. He grinned.

“Deep breath in,” he ordered. “Now out.”

It was a much slimmer plug than last night, and it went in smoothly, with just a little resistance. When it was firmly seated, he gave her buttocks a light tap, making her clench down. She groaned. He pressed on the remote, his smile widening as she jolted.

He ran his finger down the seam of her ass and over the end of the plug.

“Now, you make certain that stays inside you, darlin’. You don’t want a spanking on top of what you had last night.”

She whimpered quietly, and he might have heard the word asshole muttered under her breath, but if he had, he’d ignore it.

He ran a finger through her folds, gathering up her juices, and brought it to his mouth so he could lick the taste of her from his skin. Delicious.

“Rest your head on the pillow,” he ordered, aware of how rough his voice sounded. His balls were so tight it was painful. He helped move her into place, her round ass in the air, her thighs spread wide, so he could see the glistening lips of her pussy. Perfect.

He reached over into the bedside drawer again and quickly grabbed a condom, slipping it on. Grabbing the base of his cock, he lined it up and slowly slid inside her. He had to pause for a moment to gather his control. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he held himself still.

She felt tighter due to the plug still buzzing away in her butt. But that wasn’t what made him pause.

It was the rightness of being inside her. The sense of coming home. He was where he was meant to be. He hadn’t meant to become so deeply involved with her. But she meant something. In fact, he was starting to believe Kinley was everything.

He drove himself deep, driving all thoughts from his head, except for the way she felt. How hot she was as she sucked him inside her. Soon there was nothing except the two of them.

Her small whimpers grew louder, more demanding. He grabbed her around the hips, drawing her back against him. For a moment, he worried he was being too rough, but then she made a noise that was pure pleasure, reassuring him that she was enjoying this just as much as he was.

He pulled back then slammed inside her. Sweat gathered on their skin, their breathing growing faster and sharper.

“I’m close, darlin’. I want you to come with me.”

“I can’t,” she cried out. “It’s too much. Way too much.”

He knew what she meant. It was too much. It was more than he ever expected to feel. But he wasn’t going to stop.

Reaching around her body, he flicked his thumb against her clit. She clamped down, her cry filling the room as her passage pulsed around his cock. One thrust, two and he slipped over the edge into bliss. His own groan filled with deep satisfaction.

“Damn, baby, you’re going to be the death of me,” he told her when he could finally speak again.

She laughed. “Ditto. But at least you won’t die with a vibrating butt plug up your ass.”


Kinley tossed the garbage from the small can into the big bag attached to her housekeeping cart. She moved as quickly as she could. She’d told Sloan she’d be ready for him to pick her up for Alex’s party at nine o’clock, and it was already close to eight. She still had to clean the toilets on this level as well as clean the boss’s office.

She wasn’t certain why it needed cleaning. From what she’d heard, he was hardly ever here. March Industries was a huge company, and the Houston branch was a small one. Still, he had an office here, and Gloria told her it needed cleaning.

Normally she wouldn’t clean this level but she’d swapped her shift with Gloria’s so she could get out of here earlier.

She pushed her cart towards his office and swiped her card to allow her access. It beeped, and she opened the door. Everything in the building was well secured. It helped her breathe a little easier when she was cleaning on her own.

She looked around her in interest. It wasn’t what she’d expected. It was a huge room with a gorgeous, old wooden desk in the middle. It should’ve looked out of place in the ultra-modern building but somehow it seemed to fit. If she’d had more time she might’ve stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked out at the gorgeous view of the Houston skyline, which was breath-taking at night.

But she knew she had to move quickly. So, she raced around dusting shelves that didn’t need dusting, vacuuming up imaginary lint, and wiping down all the surfaces. When she was finished, she looked around trying to see if she’d missed anything. She got down on her hands and knees to check underneath the wooden shelving on the back wall.

Now there was a space that needed cleaning. She could leave it, after all she was in a rush. And no one would even know.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic