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Considering her background and the short time they’d been together, he could be asking too much of her. But she had known him for a long time. She had to know he would never do anything to hurt her.

Her whole body tensed then relaxed. “Yes. Please.”

“Okay. I want you to strip off then kneel and wait for me.” He stood.

“Where are you going?” she asked, a slightly panicked look on her face.

He raised his eyebrows and just waited.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied then moved to obey him. When she was kneeling, completely naked by the side of the bed, he ran his gaze over her, taking her in.

God, she was beautiful. Especially in this submissive pose. Her posture was perfect. Her head was down, her hands palm up on her thighs, her legs spread so he caught just a glimpse of her bare pussy lips.

Dylan placed a hand on top of her head. “Beautiful. I’ll be back soon.”

He left the room and ran down to the kitchen where he found Rogan making sandwiches. He raised his eyebrows in question.

“Thought everyone would want something to eat,” Rogan said then handed him over a plate piled high with sandwiches. Aedan walked into the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich. Dylan didn’t want to leave Tilly too long, but he had to let Aedan know that his behavior earlier was unacceptable.

“What the hell was that all about?” he growled at Aedan.

Aedan matched him, glare for glare. “It’s obvious this girl has you wrapped around her little finger. Think, Dylan. Do you really believe she’s as innocent as she says?”

“Yes,” Dylan replied without hesitation.

Aedan laughed. “No one is that innocent.”

“Tilly is.”

“If you believe that then you’re a fool. She’s playing you. There is no way she could have lived with Cabeza and not known what a demon he was.” Aedan glared at him derisively. “The old Dylan would never have fallen for her bullshit. He was smart.”

“The old Dylan was a stupid kid with a chip on his shoulder. There are good people out there,” he told his old friend with a sigh. “What happened to you, Aedan? You never used to be this cynical.”

Aedan had always been the most trusting of them all.

“I grew up,” Aedan said shortly.

Fatigue hit Dylan hard and heavy. He really didn’t have the time or energy for this.

He sat on a barstool and leaned his elbows on the kitchen island. “Look, you can believe what you like. But that bastard abused Tilly. Do you think an abused woman is going to go looking for trouble? Or do you think she’ll do whatever is needed to protect herself? If Tilly had started snooping around in his business, do you really think she’d be here today?”

“She might if she were involved.”

Dylan kept a lid on his temper. Barely. “I know Tilly. You don’t. She’s not capable of this.”

“Maybe you’re thinking too much with your little head instead of your big one.”

Dylan stood again, his fists clenching and unclenching.

“Both of you sit down and shut up,” Rogan said calmly. He’d stood quietly and just watched them, letting them sort things out. But now his face showed a hint of impatience. “Aedan, you’re letting old demons shadow your judgment. One look at that girl and you know she’s an innocent. And Dylan, he’s right. You are thinking with your dick, which is why you need us. You can’t protect her and do what needs to be done.”

Dylan knew he was right, even if he didn’t really want to hear it. He would protect Tilly above everything else. Someone with a clear head was needed to sort this shit out.

He nodded at Rogan. “Thanks. For everything.”

“You’re a friend. Besides, I intend to collect on this favor one day.”

Dylan had expected nothing less. Grabbing the plate, he made his way back upstairs. He placed the plate down on the bedside table and handed Tilly a sandwich. “I want you to eat every bite of this.” He held up his hand as she went to protest. “You only have to eat one. I’m going to run you a bath. I want you to clear your mind and wait for me here. Can you do that, Tilly?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic