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Tara woke up feeling groggy and disorientated. Her gaze was blurry as she blinked, trying to wake up. She must have been in a deep sleep to feel this out of it.

Gazing around, panic hit her as she realized she had no clue where she was. She dragged in a sharp breath as she attempted to sit up. She groaned as pain rushed through her, stealing her breath.

“Easy, baby. Lie back.”

Suddenly Alex filled her vision.

“Alex, where am I? What happened?” Her voice was croaky, shaky.

Alex helped her lie back. The sheets beneath her were scratchy and stiff, nothing like the expensive linen that Alex had on his bed. Something beeped and there was the sound of voices.

“I’m in a hospital?”

“You were shot,” Alex said in a harsh voice.

Tara took a good look at him. His normally neat dark hair was messed up, standing on end. As though he’d run his fingers through it a number of times. His shirt was wrinkled, his eyes bloodshot.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Me?” He looked at her in shock. “Am I okay? You were shot, Tara!”

“Is it bad?”

She tried to glance down at her arm, but couldn’t see anything except a white bandage.

Alex shook his head. “You were shot,” he repeated. “Shot.”

Reaching for his hand with her good arm, she squeezed it tight. “I know. I’m okay. Why don’t you sit down, you don’t look so great.”

Alex sat down then he suddenly stood again. “Stop taking care of me!”

Hurt filled her and she slumped back, wincing as her arm pulled. “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

“What?” He stared at her in confusion.

“Our contract. I ended it. I suppose it’s just as well. I guess I’m going to be laid up for a while, you’ll want someone else to play with.”

Pain far worse than her wound shot through her body at the thought of him with someone else. But she knew it was the right thing, letting him go.

“Do you really think that while you’re recovering from a gunshot wound that I’m going to find someone else to fuck? Don’t think much of me, do you?”

“Alex, I ended things. I gave you back your collar. I can’t be your sub anymore, or your lover.”

“Why not?”

She licked her lips. This was so hard, but she owed him an explanation.

“I broke our contract.”

He frowned. “You slept with someone else?”

Her gaze widened. “What? No.” She tried to move, but pain shot through her body and she collapsed back against the bed, panting heavily.

Alex swore quietly. “Lie still. That’s an order.”

She looked up into his worried face.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic