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Nate put a finger under her chin, tipping her face up. “You need to learn to trust others. You’re never going to get everything you need if you don’t open up and let people in.”

She frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“When people reach out, you shut them down. There are only so many times people will accept rejection before they stop trying, Tara.”

“I did reach out and he rejected me. Why the hell would I want to try again when he clearly doesn’t want me?” she blurted out without thinking. Immediately, she willed the words back. But it was too late. They were out there.

Nate looked at her with interest. “That so? Who did you reach out to, Tara? Alex?”

“Nobody,” she said quickly. “Forget I said that. I’ve got to get to work. Excuse me.”

She turned away and bumped into a solid chest.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, looking up into Sloan’s handsome face.

“Evening, Tara,” he said, his voice low and husky. It sent a shiver over her skin. Sloan was built. Really built. With muscles that bulged against his tight shirt. He grinned down at her and there was a glint of mischief in his gaze. Tara swallowed heavily. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Can I help you, Sir?”

“I’d like to do a scene with you later.”

Tara couldn’t hide her surprise. She’d never done a scene with Sloan before and she really wasn’t sure she wanted to. He could be pretty intense.

He let out a bark of laughter. “What a frown. You can say no.”

Tara lifted her chin, squaring her shoulders. She was no coward. Besides, maybe this was exactly what she needed to get her mind off Alex.

“I’d like that, Sir.”

“Good, come see me later and we’ll negotiate. I look forward to it,” he drawled, running a finger down her cheek.


“Everything okay? Alex?”

Alex turned to look at Dylan. “Yes, of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Oh, no reason, maybe because I’ve been talking to you for the last half hour and you haven’t replied.”

Alex rolled his eyes at his friend’s sarcasm. “I’ve been standing here for five minutes tops.”

“You keep staring at Tara like that and people are going to gossip.”

“And by people you mean you,” Alex replied.

Dylan scowled. “Women gossip. I deal in information.”

“That sexist crap is going to get you in trouble,” Alex replied.

“Wow, Alex said crap, he must be pissed off.”

Alex turned to glare at Sloan. “What were you talking to Tara about?”

“About the scene we’re going to do later,” Sloan drawled with a sly grin.

Alex narrowed his gaze, feeling his blood heat up. “You’re just doing this to piss me off.”

Sloan gave him a fake-innocent look. “Now why would I want to do that?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic