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“Hunter, we—”


Barely refraining from rolling her eyes, she stripped her shirt off.

“And the bra.”

“Hunter, we can’t do this.”

“I won’t keep repeating myself, Cady. Either you strip yourself or I will.”

The dark promise in his gaze had her shivering in anticipation. She undid her bra, slipping it off. He lifted her higher in his arms so he could reach her breasts with his mouth. He played with them as she ran her hands through his hair and over his shoulders.

Suddenly, he put her down and took a few steps back. He stopped when he hit the leather sofa. “Strip.”

He watched as she pulled her jeans off. She turned around and wiggled as she slipped off her panties, bending right down to pull them off, delighting as she heard him groan.

Turning back, she found him stripping off. Once he was naked, he sat on the sofa, holding his erect cock in one hand as he gestured to her with the other hand.

“Kneel in front of me, beautiful girl. Take my cock in your mouth.”

Cady positioned herself on her knees between his open legs. Eagerly, she licked her way up his thick shaft to take the head of his cock into her mouth. She licked the slit before taking him into her mouth, sucking him down.

She bobbed her head, moving up and down, twirling her tongue around him.

“Good girl.”

She glanced up to find he had his head thrown back, the muscles on his neck were tense, his jaw clenched.

Cady ran her hands up his thighs then cupped his balls, massaging them gently.

“Oh yeah. That feels so good.”

She loved having him like this, loved that she could make him forget everything else that was happening as she pleasured him.

“Enough. Stop.”

She stilled and he drew his cock out of her mouth. He stood. “I want you bent over the edge of the sofa, your ass in the air, legs spread.”

Hunter moved toward his desk as she scrambled to get into place. He grabbed a tube of lube from his desk drawer. Did he keep that stuff everywhere?

“Face forward, hands clasped in the small of your back,” he ordered as he strode back to her.

With a groan, she did as he ordered. She could feel his heat behind her as he came closer. He smacked his hand down lightly on her ass, four on one cheek then he moved to the other cheek.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“Because I wante

d to and because I know you like it, don’t you?”

There was no point in denying it, especially when he reached down and swirled his fingers through her wet heat.

“Yes, I’d say you like it a lot.”

He pushed his fingers inside her, pumping them back and forth slowly.

She wriggled back and forth, trying to get him to move faster.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic