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“Stop,” he growled, “or you’ll get a real spanking.”

“Promises, promises.”

He gave her a hard smack. “Have I been neglecting you, baby?” Two more spanks landed with a stinging impact.

“No, no, not at all,” she said quickly.

Hunter pulled his fingers from her pussy then she felt his cock nudging at her entrance, pushing deep inside her. Oh God, bliss.

Small thrusts of his hips had him moving back and forth slightly, not nearly enough to satisfy her.

“Hunter, stop teasing, please,” she begged as she struggled to keep herself in place, to resist reaching down and playing with her clit.

“What would you like? Would you like me to touch your clit?” He flicked the swollen nub and she took in a gasping breath as pleasure rippled through her. “Or do you want me to play with your ass?”

Cool liquid hit her asshole then he pushed a finger inside her. He had yet to take her ass; instead he’d been teasing her with anal plugs and lots of play.

“Please, no more,” she begged after a while as he continued to tease her, his finger thrusting inside her asshole as he pushing himself slowly in and out of her pussy.

With the fingers of his other hand he teased her clit until she was shaking with need.

“Hunter, please, take me. Fuck me.”

“Fuck you where? Here?” He drew out then pushed his cock in deep. “Or here.” He moved the finger in her ass quickly back and forth, in and out.

“My ass. Make me yours.”

“Baby, you’ve always been mine. Since the day I met you.”

He drew his cock and fingers away. She heard a squirting noise and knew he was putting lube on his cock. She wished she could watch, but knew if she moved he’d only torture her some more.

He returned his fingers to her clit, pinching it lightly before he started to push his cock inside her. “That’s it, relax. Bear down, just like when you take the plug.”

“You’re bigger than the plug.”

“Not by much. You can do this, beautiful girl.”

Inch by inch, he slowly entered her. It was uncomfortable at first, weird, but once he started to move, to drive himself back and forth, she felt the pleasure grow, nerve endings spark to life.

“That’s it, just relax and go with it. Such a sexy, good girl you are.”

His words added to the intense pleasure, spiraling it higher and she knew she was close. He swirled his finger around her clit then flicked it firmly.

“I want you to come for me. Come for me, now.” He rubbed her clit faster, harder and she bit down on her lip to stop herself from screaming as the storm hit, battering her from all sides, threatening to tear her apart. White dots appeared before her eyes and she gasped for breath, afraid she might actually pass out.

Then she heard him yell as he came, collapsing forward onto her in a heavy heap.

A smile crept over her face. Now this was truly bliss.

Cady snuggled in closer to Hunter as he held her on his lap in his office. He was feeling extremely possessive right now and even more protective than usual.

A large part of him wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her somewhere safe, demand that she never be out of his sight again. He knew it was an irrational wish, just as he knew she’d never stand for it. But ever since she’d been kidnapped by Sean two months ago any sort of rational thinking when it came to her had disappeared.

Today was the first day she’d gone out on a job without him. He didn’t care if it was a routine, run of the mill job; he’d spent the whole time worried about her. He knew he wasn’t being reasonable. In fact over the past two months he’d been acting slightly crazy, his protectiveness out of control.

But he could still see her pale face, her frightened eyes after Sean had taken her. The way she’d shaken for hours after as he’d held her. She still had nightmares where she’d wake up screaming, shouting Hunter’s name, expecting him to save her.

But he hadn’t, she’d had to save herself.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic