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Lily sobbed. “I didn’t know that’s what he was going to do, I swear. He told me that he just wanted to talk to her, that you’d stolen her from him. He claimed to love her. I believed him.”

“Oh, I’m sure he was believable,” Gray muttered.

“What happens to me now? Am I fired?”

“Yes,” Hunter growled. “Call Stanson, have her arrested.”

Hunter stormed out of the office, Gray on his heels.

“Hunter!” Jaron called out.

“What?” he asked, turning.

“It’s Cady. She’s here.”


Cady lay wrapped in Hunter’s arms. He hadn’t left her since she’d driven up to the Twisted Thorn, sobbing. As soon as she’d explained how she’d escaped, Tiny, Jaron and Gray had taken off to see if they could find Sean. They’d found him wandering along the road, trying to hitchhike.

He was now in police custody. Thank God.

“I just never thought he would follow me here. He was obsessed with me.” She shuddered. Hunter ran his hand over her head, kissing her forehead.

“There’s something wrong with him,” she said.

After giving her statement to the cops and getting checked out by a paramedic, Hunter had brought her back to his place and she’d finally started to feel like she could breathe again. Although it would take her a long time before she’d stop feeling jumpy and scared.

“I just don’t understand why he singled me out. I mean, why would he obsess over me?”

“Oh, I understand exactly what he saw in you,” Hunter replied. “You’re smart, beautiful and brave, everything a man could ever want. I can’t believe you put him on his ass. Twice. And with a lump the size of an egg on your head.”

“I was terrified.”

“Me too. I thought I had lost you. I can’t ever lose you, Cady.”

“You won’t. I’m yours forever, Sir.”

“Damn straight.”

Chapter Thirteen

Cady poked her head into Hunter’s office. “I’m back.” She waved at him with a smile before turning away, hoping to sneak back to her office.

“Come back here. Now.”

With a sigh, knowing she’d be in trouble if she ignored that command, she turned around and walked into the office.


He stood and stalked toward her. “Lock the door.”

She turned and locked the office door. When she turned back, he was right there. She let out a squeal as he grasped her around the waist and turning, pushed her up against the wall.

Cady placed her legs around his waist as he kissed her. A rough, possessive kiss that had her melting against him.

“Hunter, it was a routine job. I’m fine. There was no danger.”

He leaned back slightly. “Pull your shirt off.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic