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“I’m gonna be sick.”


“You have to pull over. That knock on my head, it’s made me dizzy. I’m going to throw up.”

She didn’t even have to pretend to gag; she really did feel like vomiting.

“Fuck, don’t you try anything!” He was angry, but he pulled over. She immediately opened the door and stumbled out. Leaning over, she puked her guts up.

He came up behind her, holding her elbow, running his hand over her lower back.

“Poor baby, I’m sorry I had to hit you.”

“So am I.” She swung back with her elbow, catching him in the stomach. Turning, she kicked out, knocking him down. She raced toward the driver’s side of the car. He tackled her, throwing her to the ground in front of the car.

“Come here, you little bitch.” He dragged her to her feet and she slammed her head back, catching his nose. He let out a screech of pain and loosened his hold.

He might be bigger than she was, but he was no fighter. She slammed her knee into his groin.

“Have fun singing soprano, asshole,” she muttered as he let out a high screech.

This time when she ran, he stayed down. Cady climbed into the driver’s side and started the car, reversing back before doing a U-turn. She ignored the swinging passenger’s door as she raced off.


“He took her out of here in a duffel bag.” Mike Regan, head of security, pointed it out on the T.V. screen. “We pulled the footage from the parking garage. Here he is.”

Hunter memorised the car, watched as it pulled out of the parking lot, taking a left.

“I’m going to follow him,” he said.

“How? We have no idea where he’s headed,” Gray said. “How did he get in here? Go back a few hours, comb through the video feed. Someone had to have let him in.”

“On it,” Regan said grimly.

Hunter paced back and forth. He had to do something.

“We’ll get her back,” Gray said in a low voice.

“This should never have happened. I should never have brought her here. I promised to protect her. I should never have taken my eyes off her.”

“Hunter, you need to calm down. We won’t let him hurt her.”

“I have to do something.”

“Here,” Regan said. He pointed at the screen. “This is one of the new waitresses, Lily. She let him in through the door to the alley.”

“Bring her to me,” Hunter demanded.


The small woman shook in her chair as she stared at Gray, Hunter and Regan. They’d brought her to Simon’s office ten minutes before.

“Lily, we have you on video, there is no point in denying it,” Gray said quietly. “We just want to know where he’s taken Cady.”

“I’m telling you, I don’t know. I don’t even know him. He approached me when I was leaving one night, offered me a large amount of money to let him in that door. Said he’d contact me when he wanted me to open the door.”

“And you were fine with taking money so he could kidnap a woman?” Hunter growled.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic