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Hunter was pacing up and down the hall outside the womens dressing room. It had been close to twenty minutes, where the hell was she?

“Hey, Hunter, have you seen Sasha?” Simon asked.

Hunter stopped moving. “She hasn’t come out? Neither has Cady. I’m going in.”


Hunter ignored him, striding inside. The room looked empty, but a low moan came from around the corner by the showers.

“Sasha!” Simon yelled, racing around him to kneel by his wife who was looking up at him in a daze, a large cut on her forehead.

Simon pulled off his shirt, placing it against the cut on her head.

“What happened? Simon?” she asked weakly.

“Cady? Cady, where are you?” Hunter searched through the dressing room as Simon called someone on his cell phone. “She’s gone.”

“He took her,” Sasha said weakly as Tiny, Josh, Gray and Curt came racing into the dressing room. Mila followed close behind, letting out a cry as she saw Sasha.


“Who has her, darlin’?” Simon asked gently.

“She called him Sean. He had a knife.”

“Pull the video feed from the corridor,” Gray said urgently. “I want to know how he got in and out of here. Now.”


Cady came to with a groan to find herself sitting in the front passenger seat of a speeding car. Her head was throbbing and nausea bubbled in her stomach.

“Where am I?”

“With me, my love.” She turned slowly to find Sean sitting in the driver’s seat.

“You knocked me out.”

“Yep, and then I carried you right on out of that club in a large duffel bag.” He laughed. “No one even saw me.”

“What exactly do you plan to do with me?” Cady asked as Sean pulled her through the parking lot. “You won’t get far before they know I’m gone. They’ll find me.”

“How? They have no idea where I’m taking you.”

She swallowed heavily. He was right.

“How did you get into the Twisted Thorn?” she asked. Everyone needed to show their membership ID at the front desk.

“There’s a lot you can do with money, you’ve just got to work out who to bribe.”

“Why? I mean, why me?”

“Because you’re mine,” he said fanatically. “You were always supposed to be mine. I could have taken you from that life. I could have set you up in a nice place, with nice things. You were supposed to be mine!”

Christ, he sounded like a petulant kid who’d had his favorite toy taken away.

“And then you ran away from me. I couldn’t find you. Until I saw you on the news, standing outside your apartment building after that wrestler hurt you.”

So that’s how he’d found her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic