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Those were the sweetest words he’d ever heard. Hunter gave her a lingering kiss before grabbing his paddle from his bag. He placed the paddle on her lower back before smacking his hand down firmly on her butt, aware of the audience behind him. Picking the paddle up, he gave her five firm smacks.

Cady groaned, growing tense. He rubbed her lower back. “Cady, you okay?”

“I’m good, Sir.”

He could hear the tears in her voice. He smacked the paddle down again. Another five times. Her ass was turning a deep scarlet.


“Good, Sir.”

Her voice was shaky. She was close.

He gave her two more smacks and he heard her let out a sob. Finally. Relief flooded him. He didn’t like causing her pain. Well, pain that she didn’t enjoy. He put his paddle aside and quickly worked at untying her.

Hunter gathered her up into his arms, taking the blanket that Sasha handed him with a nod of thanks. Placing the blanket around her, he had her kneel by his bag as he quickly tidied up. Then he motioned a sub over and asked him to take his bag to Simon’s office before gathering her back up in his arms. He walked next door into the aftercare room. This room was dimly lit and quiet. There was soft music playing. Large, comfortable couches were spread throughout the room.

Hunter chose a couch in the corner. He lay down on his back, pulling her on top of him so her chest rested against his. He tucked the blanket over them both and held her. Her sobs soon quietened, becoming soft sniffles.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

He stopped rubbing his hand up and down her back. “What for?”

“For keeping things from you. I shouldn’t have—”

“Shh, that’s forgiven now. I doubt you’ll think about doing that again anytime soon, right?”

He patted her ass and she winced.

She shook her head. “No, I think we can safely say I’ve learned that lesson.” She glared at him. “That damn well hurt.”

“It was meant to.” He sat up, sitting her on his lap. She winced. “I didn’t like causing you pain, Cady. At all. Please, don’t do anything like this again.”

“I won’t. I promise.” She hugged him tight. “Hunter?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Take me home and fuck me.”

Cady felt like she was in a daze as Hunter led her over to the womens dressing room. He stopped briefly to talk to Simon who smiled at her kindly. She could feel herself blushing, knowing he’d probably watched her get her ass paddled.

The tight skirt she wore didn’t help the deep throbbing in her ass, trapping the heat in. She’d be glad to get into something more comfortable.

Hunter continued on to the dressing room. “Go have a quick shower and get changed. Simon said Sasha is in there.” He frowned. “Maybe I should check inside first.”

“Hunter!” She pushed him back, well, she tried to. He wasn’t moving unless he wanted to. “You can’t go in there. I’ll be fine. I really doubt anyone is hiding in the women’s dressing room.”

“All right.” His tension eased a little. “Fifteen minutes. Any longer and I’m coming in.”

“Yes, Sir.” She saluted him, squealing as he smacked his hand down on her ass again.

She quickly entered the women’s dressing room. “Sasha, you in here?” she called out, moving to the locker where she’d placed her clothes. “Sasha?”

There was the sound of a door locking and she spun around to see a terrified-looking Sasha standing by the door, a knife at her throat. Sean stood behind her, his face filled with rage.

“Hello, Cady.”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic