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Hunter placed the drink back down on a table and went back to talking. But his hand remained on her head, reminding her that he was there.

Gradually, bit by bit, she found herself relaxing. Every so often, Hunter would hand her the drink, or run his hand through her hair.

Suddenly, he stood and held out his hand to her.

“Come, beautiful girl.”

She took his hand and let him help her stand, walking with him as he moved through the club to a free spanking bench. Hunter helped her kneel over it, face down. He fastened her legs and arms with leather straps. Then he ran his hand down her back. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until he leaned in and caught her gaze.

“Okay, baby?”

She nodded.


“Yes, Sir.”

“What’s your safe word?”

“Red, Sir.”

“Good girl. You please me very much, Cady.”

“I thought the reason I was here was because you were angry with me.”

“I’m not angry with you. But I aim to make you think twice before you ever keep anything important from me again.”

Hunter pushed her skirt up, exposing her backside. He ran his hands up and down her ass and thighs. He crouched, licking at her pussy until she was squirming, biting down on her lip to stop herself from begging him to let her come.

Then he pulled away and she couldn’t help but groan in protest. Hunter kissed each of her butt cheeks before he moved away.

“Oh,” she moaned.

She watched him grab his play bag. He brought out a flogger. He ran it over the bare skin of her arms, her legs.

“Nice and soft, isn’t it?”

He moved behind her, whipping her buttocks gently with the flogger. It didn’t hurt, instead it drove her need higher, the heat growing gradually, spreading throughout her body.

Then he stopped.

“How are you, Cady?”

“Good, Sir. I’m good.” Better than good, she was on the edge. She needed to come.

“That’s good, beautiful girl. I’m moving to the paddle. This won’t be fun for you. It’s going to hurt. This is punishment.”

“I know.” She was ready. She hoped.

Fuck. Why had he promised her punishment?

Because she kept things from you, something that could harm her.

He tightened his resolve, even though he longed to skip the punishment part, he could just keep flogging her until she came. He knew she was close.

But that wasn’t fair to either of them.

“I trust you.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic