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“Quit tugging at it, you look lovely,” Sasha said from beside her. The other woman was the one who looked beautiful. Her silken blonde hair fell down her long, naked back. The tiny dress she wore dipped so low in the back her ass almost showed.


“As nervous as a fat turkey in November,” Cady replied.

Sasha grinned and took hold of her hand, tugging her along. The Twisted Thorn was a far nicer club than the one she’d attended in Baton Rouge. The woman’s dressing area had large, comfortable sofas, plenty of showers and lockers as well as a number of well-lit mirrors. As she and Sasha stepped out into the corridor, she immediately saw Simon and Hunter waiting for them.

Hunter stood there, watching her for a moment before gesturing her forward.

“You look gorgeous.”

“I look like a slut.”

He narrowed his gaze, looking at her in disapproval. She swallowed heavily.

“You didn’t give me any underwear,” she whispered.

“I didn’t want you to have any.”

He turned her around so she faced Simon and Sasha. Before coming to the club, they’d gone through her limits. She was still nervous as hell. Hunter intended to punish her tonight. He cupped her breasts. “Simon, what do you think of my sub?”

“I think she’s beautiful.”

“She is, isn’t she? More beautiful than she knows. More precious than she realizes.” He stepped to her side and took her hand. “Come.”

“Shouldn’t I follow two steps behind you or something?” she said sarcastically.

He grinned. “Well, it would show the proper level of respect to your master.”

She glared at him.

“But I want you where I can see you.”

A dark look entered his gaze and she knew he was thinking about the stalker. The one they had yet to catch. They had discovered that Sean had taken a leave of absence from his job in Austin and had paid his rent for the next three months. The landlord said he hadn’t seen him recently.

The place where the photos had been developed had been a dead end, but Tiny had discovered that the stalker had been taking photos from an empty apartment across the street from hers. The empty food containers and blanket indicated he’d been squatting there.

Hunter stopped and turned toward her, lifting her head with a finger under chin. “What was that thought?”


He smacked his hand down on her ass.

She glared up at him. “I was thinking about Sean.”

Hunter stared down at her sternly. Then he pushed her hair back off her face. “Not tonight. Tonight, all you need to concentrate on is me. Understand? You only have to concentrate on pleasing me.”

“There goes that ego again.”

Hunter steered her over to a sitting area. He sat on a chair, indicating for her to kneel on the floor. Gray was already there, a beautiful brunette kneeling beside him. Mila was kneeling beside Josh, her head in his lap, her eyes closed as he ran his hand through her hair. She looked so peaceful. Cady felt a surge of jealousy.

That was what she wanted. To just let go, to just be in the moment.

Hunter ran his hand over her head as he chatted to Curt who was sitting next to him. He held a drink up to her mouth.

“Take a sip,” he told her.

She drank some. Vodka and orange juice.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic