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“What? Why?” Didn’t he want her?

“Christ, don’t look at me like that,” he groaned. “You have to know how much I want you. But I’m feeling too raw, I couldn’t be gentle right now and that’s what you need. When you’re feeling better, then we can spend all day in bed, but right now I’m keeping my jeans on.”

“Hunter, I’m not an invalid.”

“No, but you’re hurting, I can see it in your eyes so don’t try denying it. I can’t bear the idea of anything hurting you, especially me. So I’m going to wait and nothing you say or do will change my mind, young lady.”

Damn it, she could see he meant every word.

“You know, you’re kind of cute when you get all protective,” she said.

“Cute?” He had a look of outrage on his face.

She smiled, nodding. “Yep. I’ve never had someone put me first the way you do. But you can’t coddle me at work, you know.”

He sighed, frowning. “I don’t know how I’m going to handle that. Part of me wishes I’d never offered you that damn job.”

“But then I wouldn’t be here.”

“I know. You sure you wouldn’t like a nice office job?”

“I’m sure. I don’t necessarily like the dangerous parts. I can still see Rusty bleeding out in front of me. But I won’t be happy sitting behind a desk all day, either.”

“Is being a cop something you always wanted to do?”

“No, not always. But those cops helped me out all those years ago and I wanted to pay that back. I was good at my job.”

“I know you were. We’ll work this out. I promise. For now, let’s go grab some of your stuff.”


Hunter helped Cady out of his truck, his attention caught by a number of people standing outside her apartment building. One of them had a large camera on his shoulder.

“What’s going on?” Cady asked as she stood beside him. He tucked her into his body. He couldn’t go long without touching her.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”

“Oh no. We’re here now. I need more underwear and clothes. We’re going inside,” she told him firmly, taking a step forward.

“I told you that you don’t need any underwear.”

“Yes, I do.” She glared up at him. “I’m not walking around without any panties on, Hunter. Since you’re the one who insisted we stay at your place, I need some clothes.”

His house had better security. Plus, that asshole knew where she lived. If he made bail… Hunter growled. “We’re staying at my place.”

“Fine. Then I need my own clothes, including panties. Come on.”

He reluctantly moved toward her apartment, his gaze roaming. He had a bad feeling, he couldn’t explain it but he’d learned to rely on his instincts.

“I’ll just rip them off you,” he said.

“What? My panties?” She looked up at him before grinning. “Promises, promises.”

A flash went off and Hunter growled as he realized one of those pricks had just taken a photo of them.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he yelled.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic