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She sat forward, trying to ignore the pull on her ribs, although the way his gaze narrowed told her that he’d caught her grimace of pain. “You can’t hover over me forever, Hunter. I have a job to do as well. Plus, you’ll be there with me.”

He grabbed hold of her hands as he sat on the coffee table in front of her. “I couldn’t live if something happened to you, not to someone else I love.”

Her breath caught. “You love me?”

He looked a bit shocked by what he’d said. Then his face cleared and it shone through his eyes. “Yes, I love you.”

“Thank God, because I love you too.”

Hunter pulled her up, settling back on the sofa with her in his arms. Leaning down, he took her mouth in a deep kiss. “I love you so much, sugar. So much that I know I’m going to act like a caveman sometimes.”

“Sometimes?” She grinned up at him, running a hand over his chest, reaching under his t-shirt, she toyed with his nipple. His eyes darkened as he gazed down at her.

“Don’t start what we can’t finish.”

“Who said I can’t finish it?” she murmured, running her hand down his muscular chest. She undid the top button of his jeans. He snatched her hand away with a growl.

“You’re too sore for that,” he told her firmly.

“But I need you. A declaration of love should come with sex, it’s like a rule or something.”

“Is it?” He chuckled and clasped her head between his hands. He took her mouth in a ravaging kiss that soon had her falling limp against him. He laid her back on the sofa and she whimpered as he moved away.

“Shh, babe, I’m not going anywhere,” he told her as he reached for her pants, pulling them off. She wasn’t wearing any panties. She only had one pair and they were currently in the dryer. He threw her pants away before spreading her thighs carefully.

“You’re all wet for me already, aren’t you?”

She groaned. “Please, Hunter, don’t tease me.”

“You’re going to stay very, very still, understand me? I’m going to take care of you, but if you do anything to hurt yourself I’m going to shut this down so fast your head will spin.”

“I understand.”

“Hands at your sides. Don’t move them.”

She loved when he got that commanding tone to his voice.

He took a long lick of her pussy, from bottom to top, over and over, each time his tongue swept briefly over her clit, making her groan. Then he dipped a finger deep inside her, using his tongue to tap her clit. His finger was soon joined by another, thrusting deep, twirling inside her.

“Hunter, ohh,” she cried out.

“Come for me, baby girl,” he told her. “I want you to come all around my fingers.”

She shuddered, her need rising. Hunter placed his other hand over her stomach as he returned his tongue to her clit. He moved his hand up to pinch her nipple. Hard.

Orgasm washed over her, screaming through her. She gasped with the force of her release. Hunter continued to lazily lap at her juices.

Finally, he sat up, wiping her juices from his grinning face.

“How was that?”

“Pretty fantastic,” she replied, still panting slightly.

“You in any pain?”

“Nothing I can feel right now.” It was the truth. Give her a few minutes and she’d probably be aching again, but right now she felt like she could take on the world.

He chuckled and gently helped her sit up. She glanced down at his groin. “Now, for some fun of my own.” She reached for his jeans, but he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic