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Another man moved forward, the guy with the camera right behind him.

“That’s Justin Turner, he’s a reporter, I’ve seen him on T.V. a few times,” Cady muttered. She stared, dumbfounded as a microphone was thrust right in her face. Another flash went off.

“Ms. Franklin, isn’t it? What comments do you have about what happened last night? How does it feel to have gone a few rounds with the Cowboy Adonis?”

“Who?” she asked, looking confused.

“Stop taking photos!” Hunter snarled, turning Cady in to his chest. He picked her up and started pushing his way through them. “Get in my way and you’re going to get hurt.”

“Ms. Franklin? Ms. Franklin? Don’t you have any comments? How bad did he hurt you? Are you planning on taking up wrestling?”

“What they hell are they talking about?” she asked, moving her head around. Hunter pressed her back against his chest.

“I don’t know, but until we find out we’re not saying anything.” He pushed his way into the building and moved up the stairs, still holding her.

“Hunter, I can walk.”

“But if I carry you, we’ll move faster.” He made it to her apartment. “Keys,” he barked out, knowing he sounded like a complete grouch, but he was sick of his woman being threatened.

She handed him the keys as he set her down. He opened the door, closing and locking it quickly behind them.

“Wait here.” He moved through the small apartment, making certain it was safe. His need to protect was in overdrive.

“Hunter, calm down, they weren’t doing anything,” she said as he came back into the living room.

“They practically attacked you,” he snarled. “Where’s your bag?”

“In the closet.” He went into her bedroom and dragged the backpack out, placing it on her bed. “Pack what you need, but don’t carry that bag yourself. I’m going to find out what the hell is going on.”

Cady shook her head, but started to pack as he stormed out of the room. She guessed it was going to take him a while to be reasonable again. Well, more reasonable than he was being right now.

She stuffed some clothes into her bag, it didn’t take long for her to pack. It wasn’t like she had much. In fact, most of what she owned fit into this one bag. She tested the weight. It wasn’t heavy at all.

Placing it over one shoulder, she walked into the small living room. Hunter was pacing up and down, his cell phone to his ear. He glared at her as he saw the backpack on her shoulder. Stepping over to her, he grabbed it off her shoulder.

Shrugging, she let him.

“All right, thanks,” he said, putting his phone away as he ended the call. “You’re never going to believe this.”


“That asshole who hurt you was a wrestler. Apparently he’s on T.V.; Cowboy Adonis is his wrestling name.”

“So that’s why that reporter is out there? Is it really that interesting?”

“Apparently he’s quite a big deal. According to my contact at the police station this isn’t the first time he’s been arrested. He’s got a couple of previous assault charges. The D.A. should be able to throw the book at him this time.”

She sure hoped so.

“Those vultures will still be waiting for us so we’re going out through the back. You’ve got enough stuff with you?”

She nodded.

“Good, let’s go.”

Chapter Ten

“So you still have no idea what this place is?” Cady asked, looking out at the nondescript building. This wasn’t a bad area of town, but it was mainly industrial. What could all of these men be coming here for?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic