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“If I hadn’t begged for that stupid outfit—”

“You were eight. You did what every other child would have done. You weren’t to blame, Hunter. She could have gone in the morning, your father could have gotten off his ass and gone. It wasn’t your fault.”

He sent her a small smile. “Have I told you how glad I am that I met you?”


“Well, I am. And I’m so grateful that you can see past my stupidity and give me another chance. I promise I won’t let you down.”

“Just remember, we’re both in this relationship. Both of us will mistakes. I don’t need you to hide things from me to protect me.”

He frowned. “Maybe not, but it’s hard for me to step back, especially with this habit you have of getting into trouble.”

“I don’t go looking for it,” she complained with a yawn.

“Come on.” He stood, holding her in his arms. “You need a nap.”

“Stupid painkillers,” she muttered. “At least I’m not completely out of it this time.”

Pushing back the covers he placed her on the bed and tucked her in. Kissing her on the forehead, he watched her until she fell asleep.


“I need some more clothes,” Cady said. “I really need some of my stuff.”

“Write a list and I’ll call Gray. He can go and grab them for you,” Hunter said as he tucked a blanket around her on the sofa.

She didn’t really need the blanket, she was warm enough. He’d turned the heat up, knowing she felt the cold more than he did. Still, it was kind of nice to have someone fussing over her and she knew it made him feel better.

“No way is Gray going through my underwear,” Cady told him firmly. “Hunter, I’m fine. Bruised and a little sore, but I’m capable of going and grabbing some stuff. I can get there and back within a couple of hours.”

“Like hell. Not without me, anyway.”

She hid a grin. She hadn’t planned on going without him, but this way he thought he was winning the argument.

“All right,” she said with pretend reluctance. “You can come with me. But you’re going back to work tomorrow so you’re going to have to start trusting that I can take care of myself.”

“No, I’m not.”

“What?” she asked in confusion

“I’m going to work from here for a few days.”


“Don’t even argue with me,” he interrupted, his voice harsh. “I’m working from home and that’s final.” It was the fear in his eyes that had her nodding in agreement. She’d do anything to erase his panic. He obviously needed some more time to get over how close she’d come to being seriously injured.

“Okay,” she said soothingly. “What about the surveillance on that building in all those photos? Who’s going to do that?”

“I’ll brief everyone tomorrow and they can work out a schedule.”

“But you’d rather be there yourself.”

“I would rather be here,” he insisted.

Cady held back a sigh of frustration. “You know, we could do the surveillance together.”

Hunter was shaking his head before she finished.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic