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“I-I need to shower first.”

He snorted. “Sex ain’t clean and pretty, sugar. It’s nasty and dirty. Since you disobeyed me and moved those hands, you get to participate. Hold yourself open for me.”

Hunter placed her fingers on her lower lips, forcing her to hold herself open to him.

Embarrassment filled her face even as she glared at him. Very nice. He held back his laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such fun during sex.

He circled her opening with his tongue then dipped just the tip inside her. Flicking her swollen clit with his thumb, he drove more of his tongue inside her. Her thighs trembled, little whimpers filling the room.

He glanced up at her and knew she couldn’t take much more.

Good. Just where he wanted her.

“What do you need?”

“You know what I need,” she grumbled.

Hunter barely managed to hold back his grin. Instead he stopped moving his fingers, stopped pleasuring her. He just stared up at her.

Cady let out a frustrated groan.

“I need to come. Please, Hunter.”

Ahh, the sound of that please was like music to his ears. He started moving his fingers again, his thumb playing with her clit.

“I want you to hold onto the headboard again. This time, if you let you go I’m going to keep you on the edge of orgasm all night, understand?”

She nodded, moving her hands back. “I understand.”

So serious. He leaned up and blew a raspberry on her belly.

She looked at him for a moment, startled, before letting out a small giggle. He grinned at her.

He returned to her pussy, his focus entirely on making her come. He sucked on her clit for a long moment before tapping at the underside with his tongue.

“Hunter, ohh,” she cried out. A loud wail escaped her mouth as she came, her pussy clenching down on him.

“Good girl,” Hunter whispered as he lay on his side beside her. He cupped her mound, just holding her. He kissed along her shoulder then up her neck.

“That was…indescribable.”

“Well, I’m going to take that as a compliment,” he whispered, licking his tongue over her lips.

He slipped a finger back inside her pussy. “Nice and wet, but I think I can get you wetter.”

Cady groaned. “Hunter, no, I can’t take another orgasm like that one.”

He raised a brow. “You can and you will. Cup your breast with your hand.”

She took her breast in her hand. Hunter sucked on her nipple, flicking the tip with his tongue as he pushed his finger slowly in and out of her pussy.

He withdrew his finger from her pussy and drew her leg up against her stomach, then his hand returned to her pussy. He strummed her clit with his thumb as he pushed two fingers deep inside her, his mouth torturing her nipples.

“Hunter,” she cried out, her head thrashing from side to side. Nice, very nice.

“I’m here, beautiful.”

He rolled her onto her right side. Climbing off the bed, he grabbed another condom from his wallet. Thank God he always kept a couple in there.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic