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He slipped in behind her, pushing his cock slowly inside her pussy.

“Relax, baby. Tell me if anything hurts and I’ll stop.”

“No, no, don’t stop.” She couldn’t bear that. “Please, just fuck me.”

“With pleasure.”

Hunter pushed himself, bit by agonizing bit, inside her. He wanted to move faster, to drive himself inside her. But he knew he’d come in seconds if he gave in to that urge. Instead he gradually built up speed. Using slow measured thrusts that soon grew quicker, more intense. He rubbed the top of her mound, knowing how sensitive her clit had to be by now. Reaching around, he tugged on each of her nipples, pulling on them until her breathing grew frantic, sweat glistening on her skin as he drove them both higher and higher.

“Come for me, babe,” he whispered, twisting her nipple slightly.

She let out a low, moaning sob as she came around his cock, her pussy clenching at him, eroding all of his self-control.

His thrusts grew harder, faster as he quickly followed her into bliss. They both collapsed in a sweaty, exhausted heap on the bed. Hunter slowly pulled himself free from her, moving off the bed. He strode into the attached bathroom and got rid of the condom.

He returned, sliding into bed behind her. Spooning her, he placed his arm around her, cupping her breast.

“Go to sleep, beautiful. You’re exhausted.”

Chapter Five

Cady awoke to a growling stomach. Her throbbing ankle quickly reminded her about the events of yesterday.

She glanced around the room, but there was no sign of Hunter. Her crutches were leaning against her bedside table. She swung herself out of bed and stepped forward on her ankle. Shooting pain raced up her leg and brought tears to her eyes.

Okay, so maybe the crutches weren’t a bad idea. She grabbed them and made her way into the bathroom. She couldn’t believe Hunter had just snuck off like that. Had he even stayed the whole night or had he waited until she was asleep before taking off?

Well, he’d certainly made his point.

Last night had been nothing but sex. She was probably one in a long list of women who’d succumbed to lust around him. Her temper growing, she swung her way through the bedroom to the living area.

She came to a stop as she saw Hunter standing in her small kitchen.

“What are you doing?”

He turned, his hands filled with two plates of food. “Well, I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.” He moved forward, placing the food on the small dining table. Luckily the apartment had come furnished or else all she’d likely have is a couple of camp chairs and a mattress.

“I thought you’d left.”

He frowned. “No, I woke up starving so I went and got us some bagels and coffee. I’m not much of a cook. How’s the ankle?”

“It’s okay.”

“Take a seat. I’ll get your pills.”

She sat, feeling a bit dazed. Hunter got her pills, putting them on the table along with a glass of water. He then pulled another chair around and raised her leg, setting it on the chair.

“Still a bit swollen. You’ll need to sit with it up today. Eat,” he urged.

“Thank you for doing this. You didn’t have to,” she said after eating half a bagel.

“Well, obviously not, since you thought I’d ducked out while you were sleeping.” He s

ent her a chiding look and she lowered her gaze, shrugging.

“Shouldn’t you be going to work?”

“I’ll go in later. Finish your breakfast.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic