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He grinned. “I wouldn’t dare.”

Yeah, somehow she wondered.

Damn, she was almost sweet when she was like this, her eyes filled with satisfaction, her body soft and relaxed. He ran his hand through her silky hair.

“Would you like to touch me, Cady?”

She nodded eagerly.

“Lick your way down my stomach.”

She inched her way down, licking and nibbling in turns. Hunter stacked his hands behind his head, knowing he find it hard to resist reaching for her.

Cady knelt between his open legs.

“Circle my cock with your hand. That’s it. Harder, baby. Now pump your hand up and down. Damn, feels so good.” She concentrated with a focus that aroused him.

“Take the tip of me into your mouth, but keep your gaze on me. I always want your gaze on me when you have my cock in your mouth.”

He groaned when she slipped the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked. She took in more of his shaft.

“Fuck, feels so hot. Cup my balls with your free hand. That’s it, play with them gently. Babe, you have no idea how good that feels.”

He watched her eyes, saw how they grew heavy-lidded. The girl liked giving blow jobs.

She played with him, suckling on him until he couldn’t hold back any longer. Reaching down, he hauled her up and over him. He flipped them over, ignoring her protest. She’d had her moment of control.

“Spread your legs wide and grab hold of the headboard.”

She lay back and widened her thighs, placing her arms above her head. He moved to the base of the bed then knelt between her spread legs.

“Perfect,” he told her, leaning over her, his arms taking his weight as he rested his hands on either side of her shoulders.

Leaning down, he kissed her deeply. A long, hot, sensual kiss that had her arching off the bed when he pulled back, wanting more.

“Shh,” he told her. “Lie still.”

He traced his lips down her neck, around her breasts. Then he sucked on her right nipple before biting down.

Cady arched, screaming. He watched her face, saw the emotions crossing her face. Pain, confusion, pleasure. He lapped at the abused nipple before moving to her other breast. She braced herself and he smiled.

Did she really think he was that predictable?

Reaching down, he cupped her mound. Her heat burned against his palm, moisture coating him.

He thrust two fingers deep inside her.

“Oh,” she groaned as he ran his thumb around her clit. He lapped at her nipple with his tongue, playing with it.

She trembled with need, practically vibrating the bed as he played with her pussy. He bit down on her nipple, pulling on it.

A yell of pleasure filled the room. Yep, he’d been right; she liked a little pain mixed in with her pleasure. Her pussy was clenching around his fingers. She was close to coming.

He moved down the bed until he lay on his stomach between her legs.

“No,” she protested, reaching down to put her hand over her mound.

“Excuse me?” he growled, grabbing hold of her hand.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic