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“Oh, I’d disagree. Your pussy is gushing with cream. You might find this position humiliating, but you also find it arousing.” He ran his finger up and down her slit. “You’ve been spanked before.”

“Yes,” she answered. “Could you please put my legs down?”

“No, we’re not finished here.” He smacked her twice more and she had to bite her lip to hold in her groan. “Who?”

“No one.”

Smack! Smack!

“No one important. I’ve been to a few BDSM clubs; I arranged a few scenes that involved spanking.”

He watched her carefully as he pushed one thick finger inside her. She clenched around him, pulsing, wanting more.

“And I bet you dictated those scenes down to the last second, didn’t you? Told them when to spank you, what to use, how long to do it for, didn’t you?”


He flicked her clit with his thumb and she let out a shuddering cry. God

, she needed to come.

“Did any of those scenes turn you on? Make you cry out? Scream to be allowed to come?” he asked.

“No, they didn’t!” she replied, wrapping her hands in the sheets beneath her as he pushed another finger inside her. “Hunter, please!”

“You won’t be holding back with me, Cady,” he warned.

She’d already figured that.

“Hold your legs against your chest and keep them there. Now.”

Even as she shook her head in protest, she slipped her hands behind her knees.

“Part them. Show me your pussy.”

“Hunter, fuck me,” she demanded.

He grinned. “Not yet. Now part your legs or I’ll show you the difference between a spanking given for fun and one for punishment.”

It wasn’t the threat of punishment that had her obeying him—she knew he wouldn’t fuck her until he had his way. So she pulled her legs apart and he settled himself on his stomach between her legs. He parted the lips of her pussy with his fingers.

He ran his tongue through her moisture, from the bottom of her slit to the top where he lapped at her clit, flicking the underside before taking it into his mouth and sucking strongly. He tortured her for long minutes, playing with her clit until she was close to exploding before he thrust his tongue deep inside her pussy.

“Hunter, please, I can’t…” she cried out, her eyes closed, her head thrashing from side to side.

“What, baby? What can’t you do?”

“I can’t take anymore. I need to come. So bad.”

“Then come, sugar.”

He pushed two fingers deep inside her, curling them up and rubbing them against that special spot inside her. Soon she was screaming aloud, coming almost violently as he sucked on her clit.

Cady collapsed, her legs drifting down onto the bed as she lost the strength to hold them up. Hunter grabbed a condom from his pocket before quickly stripping off his jeans and boxers. He rolled the condom onto his impressive erection. If she only had the energy, she’d touch him, taste him. But her limbs were heavy, satisfied. He kneeled back between her legs, his butt resting against his feet as he clasped her around the hips and pulled her up so her ass was resting on his lap.

He slowly pushed his way inside her.

“Oh,” she groaned as he stretched her, pushing his way gently but relentlessly inside her. Once he was fully inside her, he paused, taking a deep breath. Sweat coated both their bodies. She watched him, unable to take her gaze off him. He was too damn sexy to be true.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic