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“Look at me.” He sat next to her and tugged on her chin, turning her to face him. “Tell me.”

“I don’t usually just jump into bed with someone like this.”

He ran his thumb over her lip. “I make you feel vulnerable.”

“Yes,” she gritted out.

“And because you don’t trust me fully yet, that scares you, opening up to me, letting me in.”

She stared at him in disbelief.

“I’ve been watching you, Cady. I know that probably sounds creepy, but you’ve intrigued me since I first met you. I want to understand what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling and since you’re not exactly open with your feelings, I’ve had to figure a few things out on my own.”

Yeah, she’d underestimated him and she shouldn’t have. He was a smart guy and she knew when he set a goal, he’d throw all of himself into getting what he wanted.

“I don’t expect you to magically start trusting me, Cady. What I do expect is that you’ll be honest with me. If I ask a real question I expect a real answer.” He twisted her nipple gently with his fingers. “Can you do that?”

“I-I suppose so. What if I don’t want to answer?”

“Then tell me. But I want you to try first. Damn, I want you. I want to run my hands all over your silky skin, to watch you wiggle beneath me as I play with your nipples, to see you scream with pleasure as I suck on your pussy. How does that sound to you?”

“Pretty good,” she said breathlessly.

He raised an eyebrow. “Only pretty good? Well, let’s see if it feels better.”

Lying on his side beside her, he ran his calloused hands over her skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Her breath came sharper, harder as he played with her nipples. No one had ever spent so much time just teasing her nipples, squeezing, flicking, licking them. It got to the point that she thought she was going to come from that alone when he moved away, kissing his way down her stomach.

Christ, he really was going to eat her out and as much as she wanted that, she wasn’t sure she was ready for that intimacy yet. She’d much rather he just fuck her.

“Part your legs.”

“Hunter…” her voice trailed off as he glanced up, staring at her arms pointedly. It was then that she realized she’d reached down to grasp hold of his hair, preparing to tug him away.

“Is your ankle hurting?” he asked.

Her ankle? She’d forgotten all about that.

“No,” she said breathlessly. “It’s fine.”

“Then what’s wrong?”


He narrowed his gaze and she immediately realized her mistake.

“Hunter, I—” He sat up and gently grabbed her legs, careful not to touch her sore ankle as he brought them up into the air, holding them there with one hand as he smacked his hand down onto her butt.

“Hunter!” she screeched. Never had she been spanked in such a vulnerable position. She’d always negotiated what she wanted beforehand. All the spankings she’d experienced had been prearranged and strictly controlled.

Maybe that’s why none of them had ever turned her on like this before. She felt more vulnerable and out of control than she ever had and yet her pussy gushed with moisture as he gave her two more whacks.

“Hunter, not like this!” she cried out.

He raised his eyebrows as he stared at her, his eyes cool. “Not like this? You’d like me to spank you in another way?”

“I’d like not to be spanked at all, asshole. I don’t like being spanked in this position.”

His eyes narrowed, and then he turned his gaze to her pussy. He pushed her legs against her chest. She blushed as he ran his finger through her pussy lips.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic