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Holding her firmly around her hips, he drew back before driving himself into her once again. Cady watched his face, loving the unguarded look that came over him as he orgasmed, his lips slightly parted, his eyes closed as he collapsed forward.

Immediately, he rolled off her.

“Are you okay?” he asked after a few moments.

She held back from cuddling into his side, not sure how he’d take it. But then he grabbed her, tugging her close.


“I’m fine.” Better than fine. She was relaxed, content for the first time in months.

He ran his fingers through her hair. “Your ankle?”

She was going to tell him it was fine, but now that the sex glow had faded somewhat she could feel it throbbing. “It’s a bit sore.”

“I’ll get you some pills.”

He stood and walked into the bathroom before she could protest. There was the flushing of the toilet then he stepped back into the bedroom, the condom gone. He strode, buck naked, into the living room, returning a short time later with a glass of water and her pills.

She took the pills without complaint, her ankle really was sore, settling back into the pillows as Hunter sat next to her. He reached up and grabbed one of the pillows from the top of the bed and slipped it under her ankle.

He placed one arm over her stomach, holding her close.

“Tell me about your experience with BDSM.”

“I’d rather eat nails.”

Hunter grinned, running his fingers down her stomach. She shivered.

“But you’re going to anyway. I need to know how experienced you are. How many clubs did you go to? What do you like? Not like? Any triggers? Anything I should avoid?”

“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re an annoyingly persistent bastard?”

“I’m waiting.”

“I went to a club maybe a handful of times. It wasn’t for me.”

“No?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m just not that submissive. It doesn’t turn me on.” Liar.

“Really? Because you certainly seemed to enjoy what we just did or are you gonna try and tell me you faked your pleasure?”

Christ, no. She would never lie to him about that. “We had sex, nothing more.”

“Sex where I took control and you submitted. And you love every minute. Maybe you just told yourself that you’re not submissive because then you didn’t have to be disappointed when those scenes didn’t work out like you were expecting. Because then you could pretend you didn’t have these needs.”

Damn it, he was right.

“What made you decide to go to a club if you’re so sure you aren’t submissive?”

“A friend suggested it.” Rusty had been a Dom, he thought she’d enjoy it, that it would help her to give control to someone else for a while. Let her brain rest.

Like it had during the last hour. She frowned. There had been things about the lifestyle that had appealed to her, she’d enjoyed watching other Doms with their subs, she’d just never found the sort of bliss she’d seen on other subs faces for herself.

“You have trust issues, Cady. I wouldn’t expect you to be able to surrender to just anyone.”

“Arrogant much?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic