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He pulled the robe slowly open. Cady held her breath, wondering if he liked what he saw. She knew she was too thin, her ribs were visible, her hip bones jutted out and her breasts were small.

Would she be enough for him?

“Damn, you’re beautiful,” he told her. “Sit up.”

He helped her sit then tugged the robe away, throwing it onto the ground. Gently, he pushed her onto her back, running his gaze over every inch of her. Cady fought the urge to cover herself. Nudity wasn’t something that had ever bothered her much, but she wanted to be attractive to him, wanted him to want her.

“Gorgeous. I’ve dreamed of how you would look, you know.”

“Bet I wasn’t so scrawny in your dreams.”

His gaze narrowed at her words. “Scrawny? I don’t think so.” He ran his hand over her chest, cupping her breast briefly before moving down her belly to her mound. “These breasts are perfect with the most luscious nipples I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Leaning down, he kissed first one nipple then the other. He kissed his way down her stomach. “Part your legs.”

Her breath came in shallow pants as she moved her thighs apart. He ran one finger through her folds. Raising it, she could see it was coated in moisture. She groaned as he brought it to his mouth and sucked.

“Just as I thought. Fucking sweet.”

Standing, he quickly stripped. Cady sat up, reaching for him. He shook his head and took a step back.

“Lie back on the bed, sugar, just as you were before. I don’t want you to move unless I tell you to, understand?”

She nodded, lying back.

“Put your arms above your head,” he ordered.

Jesus, he was even more bossy in the bedroom than he was in everyday life.

Cady thought she’d died and gone to heaven as Hunter stripped. Damn, the man was ripped. She’d known he was muscular, she’d drooled over his biceps a number of times, but his t-shirt had hidden a six-pack that most men would kill for.

Her fingers itched to trace over the tight muscles, but she kept her hands where they were. Out of the bedroom, she’d give as good as she got. But when it came to sex, she liked having someone take charge, take command of her body. But she’d only allowed someone else to take charge when she’d been in a club, surrounded by others.

“What was that thought?” Hunter asked.


He stared at her for a long moment and she swallowed heavily as his eyes grew stern. He still had his jeans on but he’d undone the top button and zipper.

“When I ask a question I expect an honest answer. Just shaking your head or answering with nothing is unacceptable, understood?”

She nodded her head then realized her mistake and quickly said, “Yes.”

“Yes, Hunter.”


“Yes, Hunter. Say my name.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer Sir? Or my Lord and Majesty?” she asked cheekily.

“No, I want to hear my name from your lips. Maybe later you can call me Sir.”

It clicked. His calm confidence. The way he’d so easily taken control. He had to be a Dom. Great, just what she needed. A Dom in her life.

“I want you to tell me what you were thinking.”

She sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic