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“Fine, I’ll just be in the other room. Call out if you need any help.”

Cady lay back in the bath with her eyes closed. A bath had never felt so good. She rested her throbbing ankle up on the edge, grimacing as some of the bath salts dug into her skin, how much had Hunter poured in?

She could just go to sleep right now. She might have if she hadn’t known Hunter was in the other room. Just knowing he could step through at any moment sent both trepidation and arousal through her body.

There was a knock on the door. “Cady, you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Time to pay the piper. She knew that was why he was still here, so he could hand her ass to her for today.

She let the water out, waiting until it had drained away before she got her good foot under her and heaved herself out. Grabbing a towel, she dried herself off then pulled her robe off the back of the door.

Wrapping it around herself, she opened the door and limped into the small living room.

“Damn it, Cady, I told you to call for me.”

“And I told you I’d be fine.”

Hunter shook his head as she made her way to the sofa. “You’re just lucky you’re not mine, girl.”

“Oh?” she said as she sat and put her ankle back up. “What would you do if I was yours?”

“I’d have you over my knee, spanking your ass bright red.” He placed a makeshift icepack on her ankle.

Her eyes widened. “You’d spank me?”

Arousal and shock coursed through her. She wasn’t a stranger to a bit of kink, but the image of Hunter spanking her had need stirring inside her. A need she thought she’d long since buried.

“Just as well I’m not yours then, huh?” She tried for horrified and knew she’d failed when he looked at her in interest.

“Hmm, I wonder. I think maybe the idea of that intrigues you. Does the idea of my taking charge turn you on, sugar?”

“Sugar? Do I really seem sweet to you?”

He sat down on the sofa, facing her, his leg flush against hers. Her pussy clenched at his closeness, need rushing through her. “I bet you taste sweet. Have you ever dreamed of being tied up, of having someone strip you down and tie you to a bed?”

“N-no.” Liar. She’d never allowed anyone to tie her down, before. She couldn’t allow herself to trust someone that much. But it didn’t mean she hadn’t thought of it.

“No? Are you so sure of that? Because your heartbeat is racing, your breathing has gotten faster.”

He clasped his hands behind her neck and leaning in, took her lips with his. Cady melted against him. She wanted more. He tasted delicious. He ran his free hand through her hair, tugging lightly. She gasped as the slight sting raced through her body.

“Are your nipples hard? If I touched your pussy right now would my hand come away soaked in your juices?”

She closed her eyes.

“Look at me.” His voice had grown harder. Demanding.

She couldn’t fight the need to please him. She opened her eyes.

“Do you want me to touch you?”

“Yes.” Shit. She hadn’t meant to say that.

His eyes darkened, grew more intense. Suddenly he stood and she almost cried out, thinking that he was leaving. But he swooped down and picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom.

Hunter laid her back on the bed. “If your ankle hurts at any stage, you let me know,” he commanded, reaching for the tie to her robe.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic