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“And I would rather carry you. Guess who’s going to win?”

She glared up at him, but stopped moving around. Damn, she felt right nestled against his chest. He wished he could give in to the urge and bury his face in her hair, lick the skin behind her ear, kiss his way down her neck.

He groaned.

“What’s wrong? Is it your back? I’m too heavy for you.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle your weight,” he told her dryly. He stopped in front of her apartment. “Where are your keys?

“In my pocket.” She wriggled around, as she tried to get her hand into her tight pocket. Her breasts brushed against his arm and his cock hardened even further, painfully pressing against his jeans.

“This would be easier if you put me down,” she said grumpily, finally pulling out the key and leaning down to unlock and open the door. He walked in and moved to the security control panel so she could put in her code. Then he strode to the sofa and sat her on it.

He stepped quickly back, walking into the bedroom to grab some pillows. As he moved back into the living room, he found her attempting to stand.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he growled, walking around so he stood in front of her. He dumped the pillows on the sofa before gently moving her so she was lying flat.

“Hunter!” she exclaimed, trying to wriggle free.

“Lie still,” he growled, using his Dom voice. Her eyes grew wide as she stared up at him. “The doc said you need to stay off that ankle for a few days. That is exactly what you’re going to do. Have you got an ice pack?” he asked.

“No, but there’s ice in the freezer and a ziplock bag in the cupboard. First, though, I’m going to the bathroom. I need a shower.”

“I’ll run you a bath.”

She sighed, throwing her hands into the air in defeat. “Fine, whatever.”

He moved into the bathroom and put the plug in the tub before turning on the faucets. He grabbed a bottle of bath salts from beside the bathtub, pouring some in.

Huh, he couldn’t smell anything. He poured in more. Then a few more for good luck.

He walked back into the living room, frowning as he found her standing. “Do I have to tie you to the sofa?” he barked. Actually, the thought of tying her down wasn’t a bad one at all. He could see her spread-eagled, naked and at his mercy.

“I was going to get a drink of water. Hunter, it’s just a twisted ankle and a mild one at that. I’ll be fine in a few days.”

“If you stay off that ankle and look after yourself,” Hunter countered. He walked over to the kitchen. “Where do you keep your glasses?”

“In the cupboard next to the fridge.”

He opened the cupboard, his eyebrows rising when he saw there were only two glasses sitting in there. He grabbed one and filled it with water. Unable to help himself, he opened a few other cupboards and drawers. Although he’d been over here a couple of time he’d never been nosy and looked through her cupboards. They were pretty much empty.

He didn’t like the loneliness those bare cupboards conveyed. He carried the glass back over and handed it to her.

“Thank you. Hunter, really, you can go now. I promise to rest.”

He ignored her, waiting until she put the glass down then he picked her up, holding her against his chest again.

“What are you doing?” she screeched.

“Carrying you into the bathroom. The bathtub should be almost full.”

Cady just shook her head as he placed her on the countertop then reached down and turned off the water.

“You can go now,” she said. “I can get into the tub by myself.”

He looked at her sceptically.

“Hunter, leave!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic